On November 17 of this year in the Turkestan region, Otyrar district, a regional seminar-meeting was held on the topic: “Improving the veterinary sector - a guarantee of food safety”
On November 17 th, 2023 a regional seminar-meeting was held in the Turkestan region, Otyrar district on the topic: “Improvement of the veterinary sphere – food safety guarantee”, dedicated to the consideration of the draft amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Veterinary Medicine”, as well as topical issues in the region in the veterinary medicine field of and ways to solve them. The event was attended by the director of the Institute – M.M. Kasenov, head of the bacteriology laboratory Ospanov E.K., and Abutalip A.A. At the seminar, the report “Brucellosis in livestock and preventive measures explanation” was made by the chief researcher of the Institute, DVM, professor A.A. Abutalip. An exhibition of modern veterinary equipment and veterinary products was held at the seminar organized by the Turkestan regional Veterinary Department and the RSE “Veterinary Service”, where the best achievements and developments of our institute were exhibited.