Contribution of the Institute to ensuring epizootic welfare

The Institute provides scientific support to ensure veterinary welfare of animal husbandry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

By 2020, for the first time in the history of veterinary science and practice of Kazakhstan, Strategies with the use of the latest methods of diagnosis and prevention of contagious diseases of farm animals, which are successfully implemented in veterinary practice (on rabies control, prevention of foot-and-mouth disease, prevention of African swine fever, devastation of echinococcosis, strategy to control the epizootic situation of small ruminant plague, control of nodular dermatitis); National control programs for foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis, leukosis.

The Institute conducts scientific research that meets international requirements, as evidenced by the OIE ( WOAH) certificates recognizing the welfare status of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on African horse fever, classical swine fever. At present, a dossier has been developed to obtain the status of well-being of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from small ruminant plague. In 2023, self-declarations on African swine fever and avian influenza were published on the OIE website.

For the first time, the “Inventory of soil anthrax foci on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2019) was compiled and released, which was compiled based on the results of the work of the Institute’s staff during the survey of unidentified anthrax burials together with local executive bodies of the regions of Kazakhstan in the period of 2016 and 2017. The cadastre includes information on anthrax burials from the 30s of the last century to the present.

A twinning project under the auspices of the OIE (WOAH) is underway to obtain the status of OIE (WOAH) regional reference laboratory for Central Asian countries on bovine leukosis, which will be completed in 2025.

On the basis of the Institute, lines have been created within the framework of projects of commercialization of STDR “Science Fund” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of technologies and production of drugs developed by scientists of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (2018-2021).

About 30 drugs developed by the Institute’s employees are included in the State Register of Veterinary Drugs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they are sold under the tender of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, under BP 019, on a contractual basis with economic entities of the Republic.

Directions of scientific, innovation and production activities of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute

  1. Carrying out fundamental (study of genetic structure of animal pathogens; study of immunobiological indicators in animal diseases; study of genetic variability of pathogens of infectious diseases of animals; determination of molecular-genetic characterization of pathogens of zoonotic invasions circulating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and applied research (development of diagnostic and therapeutic and prophylactic preparations; development of scientifically based systems of anti-epizootic measures; development of means of preventive measures; development of means of preventive measures).
  2. Implementation of scientific and technical programs that meet the demands of veterinary practice in order to develop scientifically-based proposals to ensure epizootic welfare in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  3. Implementation of grant projects with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of veterinary and sanitary measures to maintain the well-being of contagious diseases of animals.
  4. Joint SRW with OIE reference laboratories, leading scientific centers of near and far abroad countries on especially dangerous and poorly studied animal diseases.
  5. Development of means and methods of diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment taking into account animal pathogens circulating on the territory of RK and border countries.
  6. Finding means and methods of quality assessment and safety control of raw materials and products of animal and plant origin.
  7. Development of technologies and production of biopreparations used for especially dangerous and zooanthroponotic diseases.
  8. Conducting epizootological monitoring on certain particularly dangerous animal diseases for preparation of the Dossier for consideration of the OIE Scientific Commission in order to obtain an OIE certificate confirming the welfare status of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  9. Maintaining electronic information base on epizootic foci of infectious and invasive animal diseases (30 diseases) using GIS-technologies.
  10. Materials of information-analytical department, created at Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute, on maintenance of integrated information system of animal breeding and veterinary medicine; forecasting, assessment and risk management of appearance and spread of especially dangerous, zooanthroponotic and emergent diseases.
  11. Analyzing the economic efficiency of anti-epizootic measures carried out by the IOI on certain particularly dangerous infections.
  12. Development of national control programs, control strategies, recommendations to ensure epizootic well-being on the territory of the RK.
  13. Scientific substantiation of normative-legal documents in the field of veterinary medicine in terms of ensuring epizootic well-being during export and import of livestock, consideration of EAEU veterinary certificates, international and interstate standards.
  14. Joint work for prompt and justified decision-making on cases of outbreak of especially dangerous diseases on the territory of the republic by confirming the diagnosis and preparation of scientifically-based measures to stop the epizootic focus.
  15. Provision of consulting, scientific, methodological and practical assistance to economic entities (farms) in case of outbreaks, presence of protracted infections in the herd, as well as the emergence of controversial issues concerning the methods of recovery of economic entities for certain particularly dangerous infections (brucellosis, leukosis, etc.).
  16. Personnel training through training of veterinarians, epidemiologists, serologists, bacteriologists and virologists on the basis of accredited laboratories and organization of courses for professional development of veterinary specialists in the field of epizootology, laboratory diagnostics, determination of quality of applied biopreparations.
  17. Implementation of qualification check of veterinary laboratories on diagnostics of especially dangerous infections. Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Veterinary Institute is the only institute in Kazakhstan accredited as a provider of qualification testing according to 17043-2013 standard.
  18. Conducting inter-laboratory comparison tests (ILCT) with private and public organizations newly accredited in the field of veterinary and food safety according to the standard 17025-2019. KazSRVI is the only accredited organization in the RK, the scope of accreditation of which includes diagnostics of more than 30 animal diseases and quality assessment of products of animal and plant origin.

Almaty, Raiymbek Avenue, 223

+7 (727) 2337271