OMAROV Kasym Seidakhmetovich (Seid – Akhmetovich) [May 27 (September 20) 1909 – July 29, 1983] was a Kazakhstani veterinary microbiologist and epizootologist, one of the founders of the veterinary geography of Kazakhstan, Candidate of veterinary Sciences (1947), head of the laboratory for the study of brucellosis KazSRVI (1946-1953), senior researcher in the specialty “Epizootology” (1953), Head of the Department of Microbiology of the Semipalatinsk ZVI (1953-1957), associate professor in the specialty “Microbiology and Epizootology” (1955), Associate professor of the Department of Epizootology of the AZVI (1957 –?).

He was born in village No. 8 of Arakaragaysky parish of Kustanaysky district of Turgay region in a family of an animal breeder. He received his education at a rural school, and then continued it at the school of the 1st stage of the city of Kostanay.

In 1926, K.S. Omarov entered the Alma-Ata Veterinary College, which he graduated in 1929.

On October 1, 1929, K.S. Omarov entered the epizootological clinical department of the Kazakh State Veterinary Institute of the All-Union Sheep Breeding Association (AZVI), which he graduated on March 15, 1932 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian.

Upon graduation, K.S. Omarov was left as a graduate student of the Department of Epizootology of the AZVI, which he successfully graduated in 1934 and was sent to work in the order of mobilization in the meat and dairy farm No. 451 of the West Kazakhstan region, where he worked until January 1, 1936.

In January 1936, K.S. Omarov was recalled by the Komsomol Kazkraikom and sent to KazSRVI for scientific work, where he was hired as a junior researcher at the laboratory for the study of cattle diseases.

Under the guidance of famous KazSRVI scientists, K.S. Omarov, a number of scientific works were carried out to combat widespread pneumonia (peripneumonia) in cattle. Of the completed works, special attention should be paid to the study of the problems of keeping calves born from cows with chronic peripneumonia, the issues of immunization of calves with a vaccine against bovine peripneumonia and the immunogenic properties of vaccines after antiperipneumonia vaccinations.

In 1938, K.S. Omarov, as an established bacteriologist, was transferred as a researcher to the newly organized laboratory for the study of brucellosis. During the period of work in this laboratory (1938-1946), K.S. Omarov conducted scientific research on the problems of rehabilitation of farms from brucellosis, the cultivation of healthy young animals obtained from cows with brucellosis, the role of the brucella type in the dynamics of brucellosis epizootics in Kazakhstan.

On May 7, 1946, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the AZVI, K.S. Omarov successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of veterinary Sciences on the topic “Types of brucella in Kazakhstan and their role in the disease of brucellosis of farm animals.” During the period of his scientific activity at KazSRVI (1936-1953), K.S. Omarov completed 24 scientific papers.

In August 1953, K.S. Omarov was elected by competition to the position of head of the Department of Microbiology of the Semipalatinsk ZVI.

4 years later, in September 1957, K.S. Omarov returned to Alma-Ata and joined the AZVI competition for the position of I.O. Head of the Department of Epizootology, then worked as an associate professor of the named department.

Over the entire period of his scientific activity, K.S. Omarov has published more than 40 scientific papers.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, K.S. Omarov was awarded the medal “For Labor Valor” [3].

Methodological approaches and scientific positions developed by veterinary scientists KazSRVI I.P. Derbedenev, K.P. Studentsov and K.S. Omarov in the study of brucellosis of farm animals formed the basis for fundamental research of diseases caused by microorganisms of the genus Brucella, attributed to an uncertain taxonomic position.


  1. Archive of KazSRVI. Archival personal file of I.P. Derbedenev. L.1-63.
  2. Archives of the KazSRVI. Archival personal file of K.P. Studentsov. L. 1-54.
  3. Archives of the KazSRVI. Archival personal file of K.S. Omarov. L.1-47

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