Mikhail Osipovich SOLONITSYN (November 16, 1903 – March 13, 1948) was a Kazakhstani veterinary microbiologist and epizootologist, head of the laboratory for the study of horse diseases (1933-1948), Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (1941) M.O. Solonitsyn was born in the village of Solonitsyn in the Kovrizhsky parish of the Oryol district of the Vyatka province in a peasant family.

In 1910, he entered the Omsk parish School, from which he graduated in 1912 and received primary education.

In August 1919, he voluntarily joined the ranks of the white army as a clerk in the Cossack quartermaster’s office.

From November 1919 to April 1920, he practiced at the Omsk Shipping Company, and from May 1920 to November 1920, he worked as an accountant for the Omsk City Production Committee.

At the end of 1920, he entered the Sibrevkom garage No. 2 as an intern, where he completed a practical course as a driver’s assistant, then received a driver’s degree.

At the same time as his internship in the garage, he studied at the school of the II stage in Omsk, from which he graduated in 1921.

In September 1922, M.O.Solonitsyn entered the Siberian Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated in June 1927 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian (certificate No. 206 dated November 5, 1927).

After graduating from the institute, he worked for some time as a veterinarian on the Soviet–Mongolian border, then was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army as a junior a veterinarian.

He finished his service in the Red Army in 1928 as the acting senior veterinarian of the 74th cavalry regiment of the 5th separate Kuban Cavalry Brigade.

After demobilization in December 1928, he left for Kazakhstan and joined the post of veterinarian of the Makinsky cattle station, then in 1930 he was transferred to Petropavlovsk as an epizootic doctor of the OKRZ.

At the end of 1930, districts were liquidated in Kazakhstan. After their liquidation, with the permission of the People’s Commissariat of the USSR, M.O.Solonitsyn entered the Siberian Veterinary Institute, where he worked throughout 1931 as an assistant at the Department of General and Private Surgery.

In January 1932, at the invitation of the Kaznarkomzem, M.O. Solonitsyn was accepted as a senior epizootic doctor of the Veterinary Department, and in September 1933 he was transferred to KazNIVI in order to strengthen the staff, where he was instructed to organize a laboratory for the study of horse diseases.

In February 1935, M.O. Solonitsyn prepared the manuscript of the article “15 years of Soviet Veterinary Medicine in Kazakstan” for publication in the newspaper

“Caspian Truth”, the organ of the West Kazakstan Regional Committee of the CPSU(b), the regional executive Committee, the regional Trade Council, the Ural City Committee of the CPSU(b) and the City Council.

During 1935, M.O. Solonitsyn was repeatedly temporarily head of the

The Veterinary department of the NKZ KASSR.

By 1940, M.O. Solonitsyn approved the topic of his PhD thesis entitled: “Obtaining sap-free foals born from sap chronicles.”

Since 1940, he was appointed a member of the Scientific and Technical Council for Animal Husbandry of the NKZ of the Kazakh SSR.

On February 27, 1941, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the RES, M.O. Solonitsyn successfully defended his dissertation on the topic: “Breeding foals born to mallee horses” and he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.

On April 24, 1943, by a resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of the All-Union Committee for Higher Education under the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR (§ 84, Protocol No. 8), M.O.Solonitsyn was approved in the academic rank of senior researcher in the specialty “epizootology”.

In the mid-40s of the twentieth century, he began work on the topic “Staphylococcal septicemia of camels” for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences.

M.O. Solonitsyn repeatedly headed KazNIVI as acting director of the Institute.

The results of M.O. Solonitsyn’s scientific work were included in the instructions of the NKZ of the USSR on the breeding of foals born from mallee horses.

By decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, M.O.Solonitsyn was awarded the medals “For Labor Valor” and “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

” M.O. Solonitsyn published more than 20 scientific papers that are of great scientific, theoretical and practical value.

Of the scientific heritage of M.O. Solonitsyn, the most important are studies on the cultivation of healthy foals obtained from horses that respond positively to mallein, epizootology of glanders and equine encephalomyelitis, paratyphoid (salmonella) abortion of mares and peripneumonia of cattle. In the last years of his scientific activity, he conducted a number of fundamental works on camel brucellosis, discovered and comprehensively studied a new disease of camels – staphylococcal septicemia.

Mikhail Osipovich died very early, at the age of 44, and was buried at the Central Cemetery of the city of Alma-Ata [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].

His most significant publications:

Bor’ba s povalkoj u krupnogo rogatogo skota // Narodnoe Hozyajstvo Kazakstana. – 1934. – № 2-3. – S. 138-142;

Rabota Kazakstanskogo nauchno – issledovatel’skogo veterinarnogo instituta //Narodnoe Hozyajstvo Kazakstana. – 1934. – № 6-7. – S. 83-86 (sovmestno s M.T.Lebedevym);

Opyt primeneniya giposul’fita po metodu prof. Dem’yanovicha pri chesotke loshadej i krupnogo rogatogo skota / V kn.: Kazahskij kraevoj nauchno-issledovatel’skij veterinarnyj institut. – Alma-Ata: Izdatel’stvo komiteta nauki KazCIK, 1936. – T.I.-Trudy za 10 let (1925 – 1935). – S. 179 – 184;

Sernyj kolchedan i celesoobraznost’ primeneniya ego pri gazokamernom lechenii chesotki loshadej /V kn.: Trudy Kazahskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo veterinarnogo instituta: Infekcionnye i invazionnye zabolevaniya sel’skohozyajstvennyh zhivotnyh.- Alma-Ata, 1939. – T.II. – S. 134 – 139 (sovmestno s I.L.ZHalobovskim i M.I.Saenko);

Iz opyta sanacii ot brucelleza verblyudovodcheskogo hozyajstva // Izvestiya Akademii nauk Kazahskoj SSR. – Alma-Ata, 1946. – № 31. – Seriya kraevoj patologii. – Sbornik rabot po brucellezu. – Vyp.3. – S. 107-111.


  1. Arhiv KazNIVI: Arhivnoe lichnoe delo Solonicyna M.O., LL. 1-23.
  2. CGA NTD RK. F. 111. Op. 3-6. D. 240. L. 16.
  3. CGA NTD RK. F. 111. Op. 3-6. D. 240. LL. 16-17.
  4. CGA RK. F. 74. Op. 8. D. 422. L. 36.
  5. CGA NTD RK. F. 111. Op. 3-6.D. 85. L. 9.
  6. CGA RK. F.74. Op. 8. D. 503. L.45.
  7. CGA RK. F. 74. Op. 8. D. 341. L.45.
  8. CGA RK. F. 74. Op.8.D. 368. L.4.

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