TASHMUKHAMETOV Umali Tashmukhametovich (May 26, 1914 – September 12, 1992) was a Kazakh biochemist, organizer of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, deputy Director of the Kazakh National Veterinary Institute for Scientific Research (1948 – 1952), Candidate of Biological Sciences (1943), head of the laboratories of Biochemistry KazNIVI and the Institute of Experimental Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1946 – 1952), senior researcher in the specialty “Biochemistry” (1946).

Since 1952, U.T. Tashmukhametov was appointed director of the Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute, associate professor (1953), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1975), professor.

He was born in Petropavlovsk, Akmola province, in a peasant family.

After graduating from the Kazakh School of the II stage in 1930, he entered the Kazakh State (Alma-Ata) Veterinary Institute, where he studied until 1932.

In October 1932, U.T. Tashmukhametov was transferred to continue his studies at the Kazan Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated in December 1934.

From January to October 1935, he worked at the Petropavlovsk city veterinary hospital, from the beginning as a veterinarian, then as its head.

At the end of 1935, U.T. Tashmukhametov moved to the position of a teacher at the veterinary college of Petropavlovsk, where he worked until August 1938.

From September 1938 to July 1941, he studied at the graduate school of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine.

After graduating from graduate school, U.T. Tashmukhametov worked in responsible positions in the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR.

On July 31, 1942, at the Educational Council of the Omsk Veterinary Institute, U.T. Tashmukhametov successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences on the topic “Chemical and immunobiological polysaccharide-lipid complex of brucella”.

From July 1943 to August 1946, U.T. Tashmukhamedov worked as a senior researcher at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine.

During the period of his scientific activity (1941 – 1952), including work at the Kazakh National Veterinary Institute, U.M. Tashmukhametov completed 13 scientific papers on the biochemistry of microbes, viruses and pathogenesis of a number of infectious animal diseases.

The main scientific research of U.T. Tashmukhamedov in this period relates to solving the problems of purification and concentration of bacteria and viruses in the manufacture of biological products for the prevention of infectious diseases of animals.

Umali Tashmukhametovich was buried in Almaty at the Kensai Muslim Cemetery.


K voprosu o rezervnoj shchyolochnosti plazmy krovi pri infekcionnoj anemii loshadej / V kn.: Trudy nauchno-issledovatel’skogo veterinarnogo instituta. – Alma-Ata, 1950. – T. 5. – S. 178-179;

Dlitel’nost’ prebyvaniya sul’fantrola (S-55) v organizme zhivotnyh / V kn.: Trudy nauchno-issledovatel’skogo veterinarnogo instituta. – Alma-Ata, 1950. – T. 5. – S. 377-379.

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