Biographies of directors

Sultanov Akhmetzhan Akievich


    Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Career and education:

    1974-1976 – veterinary orderly of the sheep farm “Gvardeysky” of the Panfilov district of Taldy-Kurgan region;

    1976-1981 – student of the Veterinary Faculty of the Alma-Ata Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Veterinary Institute (now the Kazakh National Agrarian University);

    1981-1982 – Senior veterinarian of the Uch-Aral collective farm in the Panfilov district of Taldy-Kurgan region;

    1982-1985 – Postgraduate student of the Brucellosis Research Department of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute;

    1986-1987 – Junior Researcher at the Department for the Study of Brucellosis KazNIVI;

    1. February 10 – defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences on the topic “Optimizing the dose of vaccine from the Brucella melitensis Rev-1 strain for repeated immunization of sheep against brucellosis” at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine (RES) in Moscow;

    1987-1993 – Senior Researcher at the Department for the Study of Brucellosis KazNIVI;

    June 16, 1992 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences on the topic: “Optimization of special anti-brucellosis measures in sheep breeding” at the Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of Siberia and the Far East (IEVS and DV) in Novosibirsk;

    1993-1996 – Chief Researcher, Head of the Department. sector of the brucellosis department of KazNIVI;

    1996-2003 – Deputy Director for Scientific Work and Branches of KazNIVI;

    2003-2004 – Director of DGP “NIVI”;

    2004 – 2006 – Deputy Director for Scientific Work of DGP “NIVI”;

    2006 – 2010 – Deputy Director of the Veterinary Department, then Deputy Chairman of the State Inspection Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    From July 22, 2010 to December 2022 – General Director of Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute LLP.

    Academic degrees and titles:

    1993 – Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

    1997 – Professor;

    1998 – Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    2014 – Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    He is the author of about 500 scientific papers, including 10 monographs, 50 methodological recommendations, more than 100 security documents, and has published 22 articles in internationally cited publications.

    He has trained 3 doctors, 9 candidates of Sciences, PhD doctors.

    The Hirsch index is 9 (Scopus); 7 (Web of Science).

    Participation in representative bodies:

    From 1997 to 2009 – Member, Secretary and Chairman of the Expert Council of the Committee on Supervision and Certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    From 2007 to 2010 – member of the delegation for the negotiation process of Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO (World Trade Organization);

    From 2009 to 2010, he was a delegate from Kazakhstan to the OIE (International Epizootic Bureau) in Paris, France.

    Availability of state awards for achievements in the scientific and technical field:

    Winner of the Presidential Scholarship for outstanding contribution to science (2000-2002), awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For Merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2000), awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008), For significant contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in connection with the 110th anniversary of education Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute LLP was awarded the Certificate of Honor of KazAgroInnovation JSC (2015), awarded the Enbek danki medal of the 1st degree (2013). He was awarded the medal of the Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan “50 years of Industrial Poultry Farming” (2013).Nobel Prize of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2015), Awarded the Order of Kurmet (2015), Winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after al-Farabi (2019).

    Contribution to the activities of the Institute:

    Sultanov A.A. carried out the coordination and methodological guidance of research in the field of veterinary medicine.

    From 2010 to 2014 – coordinator of the 042 (212) budget program “Applied scientific research in the field of agro-industrial complex” in the field of veterinary medicine.

    From 2015 to 2017 – scientific director of the scientific and technical program “Scientific support of veterinary safety” for BP 249 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (program-targeted financing); performer in 3 grant projects for BP 217 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    From 2018 to 2020 – Scientific director of the scientific and technical program “Scientific provision of veterinary welfare and food safety” for BP 267 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (program-targeted financing); scientific director of the grant project for BP 217 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; executor of the grant project on commercialization “Science Foundation” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    From 2021 to 2022 – scientific director of 2 scientific and technical programs “To study the epizootological characteristics of the country’s territory for especially dangerous diseases and develop veterinary and sanitary measures to increase their effectiveness” and “To develop and propose for the production of means and methods of diagnosis, disease prevention, therapy of infected animals and disinfection of soil anthrax foci” according to BP 267 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (program-targeted financing).

    Participated in the implementation of 4 international projects:

    – ISTC No.K-1347 “Monitoring of brucellosis of humans and animals in Kazakhstan” (2007-2010);

    – USA Kz-2 “Study of the ecology of various types of brucella in Southern Kazakhstan” (2008- 2011).

    – Project “Methods of increasing the specific resistance of animals to anthrax” in collaboration with the GNU Saratov Research Institute of the Russian Agricultural Academy (2009-2011);

    -The project “Development of diagnostic tools for brucellosis of farm animals” in cooperation with the Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of the Academy of Animal Husbandry Sciences of the XUAR of the People’s Republic of China (2011-2013).

  • Batyrkhanov Marhabat Serikbayevich


    General Director of KazNIVI LLP (2008-2010), coordinator and organizer of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor.

    Date of birth: June 1, 1963. Place of residence: Almaty, Kazakhstan.

    Graduated with honors from the Almaty Veterinary Institute in 1985 with a degree in veterinary medicine.

    On January 4, 1992, at a meeting of the Specialized Council K008.21.01 at the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Regulation of reproduction of valuable sheep genotypes” and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences. He has developed more than 6 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Batyrkhanov Marhabat Serikbayevich is a full member of the European Association of Reproductologists and Embryologists, as well as a member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction. He has an international certificate for the right to work in IVF laboratories.

    Field of scientific activity: immunochemistry, veterinary biotechnology, development of new diagnostic test systems in the field of veterinary microbiology.

    The main stages of the work:

    • On December 27, 2007, he was appointed General Director of Scientific Research Veterinary Institute LLP (now KazNIVI LLP).
    • Since 2007, the Executive Director of the NIVI of KazAgroInnovation JSC.
    • From 2005-2007 – Republican Scientific Research Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Biotechnology and Genetics of farm animals.
    • Since 2004-2005 – Deputy Chief Physician of Privat Clinic.
    • From 2000-2004 – Republican Research Center for Maternal and Child Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Laboratory of In Vitro Fertilization.
    • From 1995-2000 – The Center for Human Reproduction, Head of the Laboratory of In vitro Fertilization (in vitro fertilization).
    • From 1994-1999 – Deputy Director for Scientific Work at the Institute of Experimental Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (JSC “Biogen”).
    • From 1993-1994 – Head of the Laboratory of Embryo Transplantation.
    • From 1985-1997 – Institute of Experimental Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Laboratory of Embryo Transplantation in the position of: junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher.

    He completed an internship at the world’s leading research centers:

    • 2006 in the Department of Assistive Technologies of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow (Russia).
    • 2005 at the IVF Laboratory in Leipzig (Germany).
    • 2003 at the Austrian International IVF Center (Austria).
    • 2002 at the Institute of Animal Husbandry (INRA) (France).
    • 2000 in the IVF laboratory of the American Medical Center in Paris (France).
    • 1997 in the IVF laboratory of the Assaf Khorafe Medical Center (Israel).
    • 1989-1991 at the All-Russian Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding (Russia).
    • In 1986-1989 at the All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry (P. Dubrovitsy) and the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after Shemyakin in Moscow (Russia).

    Main publications: Works in the field of biotechnology, immunochemistry of a medical and biological profile, more than 50 scientific papers in total, 2 methodological recommendations.

    The most significant of them are:

    • Hematological blood parameters of cows of a new type of brown dairy cattle in connection with productivity and age // Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. – 2007. – No. 6. – pp. 41-43 (co-authored).
    • Assessment of RAPD polymorphism and determination of the level of divergence between different breeds of pigs bred in the southeastern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. – 2007. – No. 4.- pp. 37-38 (co-authored).
    • Some results of refreshing the blood of Kazakh argali with a wild ancestor – argali // Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan.-2007. – No. 3. – pp. 39-41 (co-authored).
    • The effect of vitamins on the level of superovulation and embryo quality in donor queens of Australized merinos / Proceedings of the All–Union Meeting. – Alma-Ata. – 1991. – pp. 41-44 (co-authored).
    • Results of the assessment of the quality of embryos obtained from australized merino sheep / Proceedings of the All-Union Meeting. – Alma-Ata. – 1991. – pp. 32-41 (co-authored).
    • Using the embryo transplantation method for accelerated reproduction of Australized merinos and obtaining transgenic animals / Tez.dokl. All-Union meeting “Transplantation of embryos of agricultural animals. – Alma-Ata. 1989. – pp. 6-7 (co-authored).
    • Microinjections of the human σ-interferon gene and the k-DNA of this gene into sheep zygotes / Thesis of the III School seminar on genetics and animal breeding. II scientific readings in memory of academician D.K.Belyaev. – Izvestia from the USSR Academy of Sciences. – Biysk. – 1989. – p. 35 (co-authored).
    • Microinjection of human σ-interferon gene and its recombinant devivte into mammalian zygotes // ZRD Cuba and international seminar on interferon. – Havana. –Cuba. – 1989. Rosoi (in coauthorship).
  • Abylai Rysbayuly Sansyzbai


    General Director of KazNIVI LLP (2004-2008), Scientist in the field of agriculture, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (1993), Professor (1998), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013). Laureate of the A. I. Barayev Prize for the best scientific research and work in the field of agricultural science, academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    He was born on January 30, 1958 in the village of Zhambyl, Moyinkum district, Zhambyl region.

    In 1980, he graduated with honors from the Veterinary faculty of the Almaty Veterinary Institute.

    In 1984 he graduated from the postgraduate course of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine in Moscow, in 1985 he defended his PhD thesis.

    In 1992 he graduated from the doctoral program of VNIIEV Moscow, in 1993 he defended his doctoral dissertation.

    Work experience:

    He started his career at the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute in 1980 as a senior laboratory assistant, passed all the stages from a junior researcher to the director of the institute.

    From 1994 to January 1997 he worked as Deputy Director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute for scientific work, and from 1997 to February 2003 he worked as director of the named institute.

    From the beginning of 2003 to February 2004, he worked as the director of the RSE “Scientific and Production Center of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    From 2004 to January 2008, he worked as the director of the DGP “Scientific Research Veterinary Institute” RSE “NPTS ZHIV” Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    From 2008 to 2010 – Professor of the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, advisor to the Rector, director of the Innovative Scientific and Industrial Complex, Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work.

    On December 7, 2010, he was appointed to the position of Acting Director General of the NIIPB and since February 2011, he was appointed to the position of Director General of the above-mentioned institute.

    Since 2018, Director of the Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Sanitation of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University.

    Research activities:

    The main areas of scientific interests are related to the study of ecology, evolution and molecular genetic variability of animal viruses; the study of the role of viruses in infectious pathology and the deciphering of the causes of mass death of individual representatives of fauna in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author of more than 400 scientific papers, 49 articles in journals with a non-zero impact factor (Web of Science citations H-Index 9; Scopus citations H-Index 10). Author of 121 patents and pre-patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for inventions. In addition, he co-authored 14 monographs and books, prepared 7 doctors, 17 candidates of sciences, 4 doctors of Philosophy (PhD) and 10 masters.

    Member of the National Scientific Council for the priority area “Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products”.

    For many years of fruitful work, training of qualified personnel, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005, he was awarded the Order of Parasat, laureate of the A.M. Barayev Prize, holder of the State Scholarship for Outstanding Scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2004-2006 and 2008-2010, is an “Honorary citizen” of the Moyinkum district of Zhambyl region, was awarded with diplomas of the Akim of the city of Almaty in 2007 and the Minister of Agriculture in 2008. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 10, 2011, he was awarded the medal “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In 2013, he was awarded the badges “Auyl sharuashylygy salasyn uzdigi” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and “Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen yenbegi ushin” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2014, for his contribution to the development of the trade union movement, he was awarded the badge of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2016, he was awarded the Medal “25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Since 2019, he has been a member of the expert group on ecology of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was a deputy of the VI convocation of the Zhambyl regional Maslikhat.

    Under his leadership, fundamental research was carried out on soap, pasteurellosis, trichophytia, lymphangitis, streptococcosis, rhinopneumonia and tuberculosis, an inactivated (subunit) vaccine against horse soap and a highly effective drug “Etobic” for the treatment and chemoprophylaxis of this disease were developed.

    List of significant scientific works:

    1. Adaptive mutation in NEP allows stable transgene expression in a chimeric influenza A virus vector – Journal of General Virology, November 2013 vir. 0.056036-0;
    2. Optimization of Equine Influenza Strain A/equine/Otar/764/07 (H3N8) Cultivation in MDCK Cell Culture – Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), Vol.4, No.3, March, 2014;
    3. Duration of the protective immune response after prime and booster vaccination of yearlings with a live modified cold-adapted viral vaccine against equine influenza – Vaccine (IF – 3.492);
    4. Influenza viral vectors expressing the Brucella OMP16 or L7/L12 proteins as vaccines against B. abortus infection – Virology journal (IF – 2,9);
    5. Safety immunogenicity of a novel cold-adapted modified-live equine influenza virus vaccine – Australian Veterinary Journal, Vol.92, No 11, November 2014;
    6. Adaptive mutation in nuclear protein allows stable transgene expression in a chimaeric influenza A virus vector – J Gen Virol. November 12. 2014;
    7. The pathogenicity of swan derived H5N1 virus in birds and mammals and its gene analysis – Virology Journal 2014, 11:207 , doi: 10.1186/s12985-014-0207-y;
    8. Novel influenza virus vectors expressing Brucella L7/L12 or Omp16 proteins in cattle induced a strong T-cell immune response, as well as high protectiveness against B.abortus infection – Vaccine 2014, 32:2034 – 2041;
    9. An inactivated, adjuvanted whole virion clade 2.2 H5N1 (A/chicken/Astana/6/05) influenza vaccine is safe and immunogenic in a single dose in humans. – Clin Vaccine Immunol 2013, 20(8):1314 – 1319;
    10. Inactivated and adjuvanted whole virion clade 2.2 H5N1 (A/chicken/Astana/6/05) influenza vaccine is safe and immunogenic in a single dose humans – Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 26 June 2013, doi: 10.1128/CVI.00096-13 CVI.00096-13.

  • Kozhebekov Zainulla Kamaleevich


    born January 1, 1929 – died May 27, 2009 / – Director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (1986-1997).

    Z.K.Kozhebekov was born in the village of Novo-Ukrainka [1] in Mamlyutsky district of North Kazakhstan region in a peasant family.

    After graduating from the 7th grade of secondary school, in September 1944, he entered the Petropavlovsk Agricultural College for the veterinary department, from which he graduated in 1947 and as an excellent student was sent to a veterinary university. In 1947, Z.K.Kozhebekov entered the Omsk State Veterinary Institute, and in July 1952 graduated with honors from the full course of the named institute and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian [2, L. 34-35].

    November 1, 1952 Z.K.Kozhebekov was enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Department of Physiology of Farm Animals of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated on November 1, 1955 [2, pp. 38-39, 42-43, 47].

    In 1956, Z.K.Kozhebekov defended his dissertation on “Some peculiarities of digestion in lambs” for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences. In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute dated May 31, 1956 (Protocol No. 16), he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences and the Higher Attestation Commission issued a diploma dated September 4, 1956 [3, 4, 5, L. 39].

    In accordance with the order of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute No. 138 & 2 dated May 31, 1961, Z.K. Kozhebekov was approved by the vice-rector for Academic Affairs [2, L.48].

    By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of July 26, 1961 (Protocol No. 36/II), Z.K. Kozhebekov was approved in the academic rank of associate professor at the Department of “Normal Physiology” and he was issued the corresponding certificate of associate professor dated August 24, 1961 [2, l.51].

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR No. 346-k dated April 3, 1972 Z.K.Kozhebekov was appointed rector of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute, with his dismissal from the post of vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the same institute [2, l. 85].

    According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 21 dated April 18, 1972, item 20, G. Kozhebekov Z.K. was approved by the rector of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute” [6].

    October 17, 1980 Z.K.Kozhebekov defended his dissertation on the topic “Age and breed characteristics of protein and gas-energy exchanges in sheep of Kazakhstan” for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in the Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the K.I.Scriabin Veterinary Academy. In accordance with the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 15, 1981 (Protocol No. 19), he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences and awarded a diploma [7, 8, 9, L. 37, 37 vol.].

    By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 13, 1981 (Protocol No. 44), Z.K. Kozhebekov was awarded the academic title of professor at the Department of Physiology of Farm Animals and the corresponding professor’s certificate was issued [2, L.35].

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR No. 251-k dated April 1, 1983 Z.K.Kozhebekov was dismissed from the post of rector of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute [10, l.7] and transferred by competition to the professor of the Department of Physiology of Farm animals of the same institute [10, l. 9, 11, 26].

    According to other sources, “by the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 64 dated August 9, 1983, item 3, Z.K. Kozhebekov was dismissed from the post of rector of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute” [11].

    In accordance with the order on the Eastern Branch of the VASKHNIL No. 26-k dated February 26, 1986 Z.K.Kozhebekov, by way of transfer, was appointed director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute [10, L. 40].

    According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 15 dated November 11, 1986, item 6, G. Kozhebekov Z.K. was approved by the director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [12].

    Since September 3, 1991, Z.K.Kozhebekov simultaneously served as vice-president of the Kazakh Academy of Agricultural Sciences [9, l. 151].

    In the Ministry of Science-Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z.K.Kozhebekov was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (academician) [5, L. 7].

    Since February 15, 1995 Z.K.Kozhebekov was relieved of his post as acting Vice-president of KazASHN [9, l. 140].

    In accordance with the order of the National Academic Center for Agrarian Research of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 03 dated January 21, 1997 Z.K.Kozhebekov was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute and appointed honorary director and chief researcher of the scientific and technical department of the same institute [9, L. 124].

    The “Regulations on the honorary director of the Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of the National Academic Center for Agrarian Research of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in particular, provided that “The honorary director retains the official salary of the director of the Research Institute, other benefits and payment conditions applied to scientific workers of the Research Institute”, while “The working regime of the honorary director of the Research Institute is not regulated” [9, L. 127].

    Z.K.Kozhebekov is the author of more than 200 publications [13, 14, 15].

    Zainulla Kamaleevich was buried in Almaty at the Ken-Sai cemetery.


    1. Mamlyutsky district archive of North Kazakhstan region. Handbook on the history of collective farms and state farms of the North Kazakhstan region. – L. 46.
    2. Archive of KazNAU. Archival personal file No. 1 of Z.K.Kozhebekova. – L. 1-168.
    3. Kozhebekov Z.K. Some features of digestion in lambs: diss. …cand. Biol. sciences: Alma-Atinsk. zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1956. – 233 p

    . 4. Kozhebekov Z.K. Some features of digestion in lambs: Abstract. diss. … cand. Biol. sciences: Alma-Atinsk. zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1956. – 24 p.

    1. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file No. 2 of Z.K.Kozhebekova. – L. 1-40.
    2. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 108. D. 67. L. 1, 22.
    3. Kozhebekov Z.K. Age and breed characteristics of protein and gas-energy metabolism in sheep of Kazakhstan: Diss. …doc. Biol. sciences: Alma-Atinsk. zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1979. – 491 p.
    4. Kozhebekov Z.K. Age and breed characteristics of protein and gas-energy metabolism in sheep of Kazakhstan: abstract. …doc. biol. on- uk: Moscow. vet. K.I.Scriabin Academy. – M., 1980. – 35 p.
    5. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file No. 1 of Z.K.Kozhebekova. – L. 1-219 vol.
    6. KazNAU Archive. Archival personal file No. 2 of Z.K.Kozhebekova. – L. 1 -51.
    7. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 54. D. 134. L. 60, 79.
    8. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 127. D. 207. L. 1, 6.
    9. Zainulla Kamaleevich Kozhebekov. Biographies of scientists of Kazakhstan: Ministry of Science-Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Bastau, 1998. – pp. 25-66.
    10. Revered people of the Kazakh land. A series of biographical collections: Book one: On the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Dauir, 1999. – pp. 236-240.
    11. Batyrkhanov M. Academician Zainulla Kamaleevich Kozhebekov. – Almaty: KazNIVI, 2009. – pp. 4-167.                                                                 
  • Zhanuzakov Nurman Zhanuzakovich


    /born February 7, 1931 – died November 7, 1997/ – Director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (1980-1985).

    N.J. Zhanuzakov was born in Chapaevo village of Chapaevsky district of the Ural region in the family of an employee.

    In 1949, he graduated from Chapaev Kazakh Secondary School and entered the veterinary faculty of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute.

    On June 1, 1954, N.J.Zhanuzakov graduated with honors from the full course of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian [1, 2].

    From August 1954 to July 1958, N.Zhanuzakov worked as a senior veterinarian at the Albarbuket machine and livestock station, and subsequently at the machine and tractor station of the Dzhangildinsky district of the Kostanay region.

    In July 1958, he was appointed chief veterinarian of the Dzhangilda district Inspectorate for Agriculture, then the trust of state farms of the Kostanay region, where he worked until June 1961.

    In July 1961, he was transferred to the senior state veterinary inspector of the Kostanay regional Department of state farms, where he worked until August 1968.

    In August 1968, N.Zhanuzakov was transferred to the head of the antiepizootic Department of the Main Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR, in this position he worked until January 1971.

    In January 1971, he was transferred to the head of the Main Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR, where he worked until February 1980.

    In 1979, N.Zhanuzakov defended his dissertation on “Features of epizootology and improvement of measures to combat anthrax in the Kazakh SSR” for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. In accordance with the decision of the Council at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine dated February 20, 1979 (Protocol No. 1), he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences and the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a diploma dated July 18, 1979 [1, l. 9-9 vol., 3, 4].

    In accordance with the order on the Eastern Branch of the VASKHNIL No. 12-K dated February 7, 1980, N.J.Zhanuzakov was appointed director of KazNIVI with the right of first signature on all monetary documents [1, L. 16].

    According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 84 dated February 5, 1980, item 12. Zhanuzakov N. was approved by the director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [5].

    In accordance with the order of the Eastern Branch of VASKHNIL No. 51-k dated June 10, 1985, N.Zhanuzakov was relieved of his duties as director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 15 dated November 11, 1986, item 6. Zhanuzakov N.J. was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [6].

    In the second half of 1985, N.Zhanuzakov was re-admitted to the staff of the Main Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR, where he worked until November 1997.

    N.Zhanuzakov is the author of more than 60 scientific articles.

    Nurman Zhanuzakovich was buried in the KenSai cemetery in Almaty.


    1. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file No. 1 of N.J.Zhanuzakov. – L. 1-20 vol.
    2. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file No. 2 of N.J.Zhanuzakov. – L. 1-28.
    3. Zhanuzakov N.J. Features of epizootology and improvement of measures to combat anthrax in the Kazakh SSR: Diss. … Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: All-Union. in-here. the expert. veterinary medicine. – M., 1979. – 218 p.
    4. Zhanuzakov N.J. Features of epizootology and improvement of measures to combat anthrax in the Kazakh SSR: Abstract. … cand. vetnauk: All-Union. in-here. the expert. veterinary medicine. – M., 1978. – 16 p

    . 5. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 89. D. 121. L. 1, 17.

    1. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 127. D. 207. L. 1, 6

  • Zadorozhny Ivan Fedorovich


    /was born on June 1, 1918 – died on January 10, 2001/ Director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (1974 – 1980). I.F. Zadorozhny was born in Babanka village, Umansky district, Cherkasy region in a peasant family. In 1933, he graduated from incomplete secondary school and entered the Talian Zootechnical College, from which he graduated in 1937.

    From February 1937 to August 1938, he worked as a zoo technician at the Andrushevsky district land department, then in September 1938 he entered the Kiev Veterinary Institute, which was evacuated to Sverdlovsk during the war in 1941. On June 30, 1942, I.F. Zadorozhny graduated with honors from the full course of the veterinary faculty of the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian. The graduation diploma was issued to I.F. Zadorozhny only in 1949 [1].

    From July 1942 to August 1945, he worked as the chief veterinarian of the Tavrichesky district Land Department of the East Kazakhstan region, and from September 1945 to April 1949 – the chief veterinarian of the Babankovsky district land department of the Cherkasy region.

    In April 1949, I.F. Zadorozhny returned to Kazakhstan and joined the position of chief veterinarian of the Kirov district Land Department, where he worked until February 1950, then was appointed head of the veterinary department of the East Kazakhstan Department of Agriculture.

    In March 1963, I.F. Zadorozhny was transferred to the director of the East Kazakhstan Regional Veterinary Laboratory, and in June 1964 he was again appointed head of the veterinary department of the East Kazakhstan Regional Department of Agriculture.

    In 1968, I.F. Zadorozhny defended his thesis on “The experience of fighting brucellosis in East Kazakhstan” for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute dated January 28, 1968 (Protocol No. 27), he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences and the Higher Attestation Commission issued a diploma dated June 20, 1969 [2, 3, 1, l. 28-29].

    On October 25, 1974, I.F. Zadorozhny was appointed director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute [1, l. 25].

    According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the Alma-Ata Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (a) No. 18 dated October 31, 1974, item 2, Zadorozhny I.F. was approved by the director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [4].

    On February 7, 1980, I.F. Zadorozhny was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute [1, l. 10]. According to other information, “by the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (a) No. 84 dated February 5, 1980, item 12, Zadorozhny I.F. was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [5].

                In February 1980, I.F. Zadorozhny was transferred as a senior researcher to the laboratory for the study of brucellosis KazNIVI, followed by the holding of competitive elections for the vacant position [1, L. 9].

    On April 1, 1987, I.F. Zadorozhny, for health reasons, was relieved of his post as a senior researcher at the Department of Epizootology, diagnosis and prevention of brucellosis of farm animals [1, L. 3].

    Ivan Fedorovich was buried at the Burundai cemetery, near Almaty.


    1. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file of I.F. Zadorozhny. – L. 1-32 vol.
    2. Zadorozhny I.F. The experience of fighting brucellosis in East Kazakhstan: Diss. … Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: Kazakh Scientific Research University. Institute. – Ust-Kamenogorsk, 1967. – 214 p.
    3. Zadorozhny I.F. The experience of fighting brucellosis in East Kazakhstan: Abstract. diss. …Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: Alma-Atinsk. zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1967. – 23 p.
    4. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 8. Op. 45. D. 50. L. 84, 100.
    5. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 89. D. 121. L. 1, 17.

  •     Pankratov Leonid Demyanovich    


    born June 4, 1914 – died December 25, 1980 / – director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (1961-1974). L.D.Pankratov was born in Kostanay in the family of an employee. In 1930, after graduating from grades 7 and teacher courses, he was sent to work as an elementary school teacher in the village of Kalinovka, Kostanay region. Since August 1931, he worked as a laboratory assistant in the Kostanay Veterinary and Bacteriological Laboratory.

    In October 1933, he entered the Alma-Ata Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute, from which he graduated in January 1938 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian. Then L.D.Pankratov was sent to the post of teacher at the Petropavlovsk Veterinary College, where from August 1938 to December 1939 he worked as the head of the educational part of the college, from January 1940 – the director of the named institution [1].

    In connection with the organization of political departments in agriculture, in January 1942, L.D.Pankratov was appointed head of the political department of the Mamlyutsky breeding farm of the North Kazakhstan region, and in March 1943 he was transferred to deputy head of the political sector of the Petropavlovsk trust of state farms.

    After the abolition of political departments, in June 1943, L.D.Pankratov was drafted into the army, where he served until January 1946 as a senior veterinarian of the 566th infantry Regiment of the 153 Infantry Division on the Western and 2nd Belorussian fronts. In January 1946, due to deteriorating health, he was demobilized.

    In February 1946, L.D.Pankratov was appointed to the position of veterinarian at the Krasny Peredovik collective farm and soon transferred to the deputy chairman of the named collective farm, then from November 1947 he was appointed head of the veterinary department of the Kostanay regional Department of Agriculture.

    In December 1948, he was transferred to the director of the Alma-Ata Bio-processing plant.

    In 1958, L.D.Pankratov defended his dissertation on the topic “The use of proteolytic enzymes of a mold fungus from the genus Aspergillus for the manufacture of nutrient media in the production of biological products” for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute dated November 13, 1958 (Protocol No. 3), he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences and the Higher Attestation Commission issued a diploma dated March 14, 1959 [2, 3, 1, l. 3-4].

    On December 16, 1961, L.D.Pankratov was appointed director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute [1, l. 15]. According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 3 dated December 18, 1961, item 3. Pankratov L.D. was approved by the director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [4].

    By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of November 2, 1966 (Protocol No. 49/p), L.D.Pankratov was approved in the academic rank of senior researcher in the specialty “veterinary microbiology” and he was issued a corresponding certificate dated December 27, 1966 [1, l. 15-15 vol.].

    On October 25, 1974, L.D.Pankratov was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute and transferred to the head of the experimental and technological laboratory [1, l. 18].

    According to other sources, “by the minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the Alma-Ata Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan No. 18 dated October 31, 1974, item 2, Pankratov L.D. was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute” [5].

    On June 1, 1977, in accordance with the instruction “On the procedure for filling positions of researchers at research institutions”, L.D. Pankratov was approved by the decision of the Scientific Council of KazNIVI for a new term as head of the Laboratory of Experimental Technology and Microbiology [1, L. 36].

    Later, he was transferred to work at the Alma-Ata Bio-processing plant, where he worked for some time.

    L.D.Pankratov is the author of 35 scientific articles.

    Leonid Demyanovich was buried in Alma-Ata at the cemetery on Ryskulova.


    1. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file of L.D.Pankratov. – L. 1-36.
    2. Pankratov L.D. The use of proteolytic enzymes of a mold fungus from the genus Aspergillus for the manufacture of nutrient media in the production of biological products: diss. … Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: Alma-Atinsk. biocombinat and Alma-Atinsk. zootech.- Vet. Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. – Alma-Ata, 1957. – 139 p.
    3. Pankratov L.D. The use of proteolytic enzymes of a mold fungus from the genus Aspergillus for the manufacture of nutrient media in the production of biological products: abstract. diss. … Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: Alma-Atinsk. zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1958. – 23 p.
    4. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 34. D. 125. L. 260, 263.
    5. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 8. Op. 45. D. 50. L. 84, 100.

  • DzerzhinskyAlexander Yakovlevich


    was born on May 25 (June 6), 1913 – died on December 24, 1970 / – director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (1957-1961).

    A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was born in the village of Bryasovo, Vysochanskaya parish, Bryansk region in a peasant family. In 1928, he graduated from incomplete secondary school and entered Vitebsk as an apprentice at a garment factory.

    Dzerzhinsky combined his work at the factory with his studies and in 1931 he completed university training courses at the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute and simultaneously passed the exams for the full course of secondary school, receiving a certificate with honors.

    On October 1, 1931, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky entered the veterinary faculty of the Moscow Veterinary Institute, which he successfully graduated on February 15, 1935 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian. He was awarded a diploma of graduation from the Institute in 1936 [1, l. 19-19 vol.].

    After graduating from the institute, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was nominated for postgraduate studies at the Moscow Veterinary Institute.

    A.Ya. Dzerzhinsky was subjected to repression by the Bolshevik authorities. On November 26, 1937, he was arrested, then on March 25, 1938, he was transferred to the Rubtsovsky RO of the NKVD and held in custody. On August 16, 1938, almost a year after his arrest, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was released for lack of proof of guilt [1, l. 34].

    In 1939, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky defended his dissertation on the topic “Therapy of brucellosis with ammargene under experimental conditions” for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Moscow Veterinary Institute of September 28, 1939 (Protocol No. 38), he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences [1, L. 13]. Almost 7 years later, he was awarded a corresponding diploma by the All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs, dated March 11, 1946 [2, l. 24-24 vol.].

    In accordance with the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the All-Union Committee for Higher Education dated February 17, 1940 (Protocol No. 7), A.Ya. Dzerzhinsky was approved in the academic rank of associate professor at the Department of Pathology and Therapy of Internal Diseases. 6 years later, he was issued a corresponding certificate by the Higher Education Committee of the All-Russian Committee for Higher Education, dated March 5, 1946 [1, l. 37].

    After defending his PhD thesis and receiving the academic title, he was appointed associate professor of the Department of Toxicology of the Omsk Veterinary Institute, and in December 1940 he was transferred to the acting head of the specified department [2, l. 1 vol., 1, l. 20].

    From October 1941 to May 1945, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was at the front as head of the divisional, then army and front-line veterinary hospitals.

    From May 1945 to February 1946, he worked as an epizootologist of the Steppe Military District.

    On February 2, 1946, in accordance with Order No. 9 of the People’s Commissariat of Grain and Livestock Farms of the USSR, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was appointed acting director of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute [1, L. 8].

    In accordance with Order No. 1206/k of August 9, 1946 by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was approved as director of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute [1, l. 10].

    According to other information, “the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the KP (b) of Kazakhstan No. 321 dated March 12, 1946, item 2 Dzerzhinsky A.Ya. was approved by the director of the Alma-Ata Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute” [3].

    At a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Alma-Ata Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute on March 26, 1949 (Protocol No. 5), a petition was filed to the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR for secondment to the doctoral program of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky on the topic “Specific vaccination against brucellosis of farm animals” [1, L. 23].

    Quite unexpectedly, on June 12, 1951, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky, by decision of the Central Committee of the KP (b) of Kazakhstan, was severely reprimanded with a warning [4, L. 6].

    On November 14, 1951, in accordance with Order No. 694/k of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was relieved of his duties as director of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute and transferred by competition to associate professor of the Department of Epizootology of the named institute [1, l. 27, 44, 2, l. 1 vol.].

    On March 3, 1957, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was appointed director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute [2, l. 1 vol.].

    According to other sources, “the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the KP(b) of Kazakhstan No. 41 dated April 3, 1957, item 5 Dzerzhinsky A.Ya. approved by the director of the Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine Kazfilial VASHNIL” [5, L. 22, 24].

    In July 1958, by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, A.Ya. Dzerzhinsky was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR [2, L. 4].

    On May 18, 1960, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was elected a corresponding member of the Kazakh Academy of Agricultural Sciences [2, L.4].

    On December 3, 1961, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute and transferred to associate professor of the Department of Epizootology of the Semipalatinsk Veterinary Institute [2, l. 1 vol.].

    According to other sources, “by the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the KP(b) of Kazakhstan No. 3 dated December 18, 1961, item 3, Dzerzhinsky A.Ya. was dismissed from the post of director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine” [6, L. 260, 263].

    On August 21, 1963, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was appointed to the post of acting rector of the West Kazakhstan Agricultural Institute in Uralsk, and on June 6, 1964, he was relieved of the post of acting rector and transferred to the head of the Department of Animal Physiology of the named higher educational institution [2, l. 1 vol.].

    In accordance with the order on the management of agriculture of the executive Committee of the Virgin Regional Council of Workers’ Deputies No. 317-k dated July 8, 1965, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky, by way of transfer, was appointed director of the Regional Scientific Research Veterinary Station on June 24, 1965 [2, L. 20].

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR No. 260-k dated March 21, 1967, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky was relieved of his post as director of the Tselinograd Scientific Research Veterinary Station at his own request and appointed head of the laboratory for the study of tuberculosis and brucellosis of the named station [2, L. 19].

    In accordance with the order of the Tselinograd Scientific Research Veterinary Station No. 116 dated June 5, 1969, the head of the laboratory for the study of brucellosis of farm animals, A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky, was retired [2, l. 11].

    A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky is the author of more than 60 scientific articles.

    Alexander Yakovlevich was buried in Alma-Ata at the cemetery on Ryskulova.


    1. KazNAU Archive. Archival personal file of A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky. – L. 1-44.
    2. Archive of KazNIVI. Archival personal file of A.Ya.Dzerzhinsky.- L. 1-25.
    3. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 10. D. 157. L. 60, 80.
    4. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 15a. D. 161. L. 6.
    5. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 30. D. 287. L. 22, 24.
    6. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. F. 708. Op. 34. D. 125. L. 260, 263.

  • Anisimov Vyacheslav Stepanovich


    (March 20 [April 2] 1912 – April 18, 1977) – organizer of veterinary science of Kazakhstan, prominent Kazakhstani veterinary microbiologist and epizootologist, Deputy Director of the West Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute (1943-1944), Director of the West Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute (O)Since (1944-1954), Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (1947), senior researcher in the specialty “Epizootology” (1948), director of the Kazakh National Veterinary Institute (1954-1957), head of the laboratory for the study of diseases of pigs and sheep (1957-1963), head of the laboratory for the study of (infectious) diseases of sheep (1963-1977).

    V.S. Anisimov was born in the city of Guryev, Ural province, in the family of an employee. At the age of 8, he entered the Guryev Secondary General Educational School with a nine-year term of study, which he graduated in 1929.

    In 1930, V.S. Anisimov was accepted as a student at the Cossack State Zootechnical and Veterinary (Alma-Ata Veterinary) Institute.

    On November 23, 1933, V.S. Anisimov defended his thesis on the topic “The status of the ratio of the elements of the white blood of the fat-tailed sheep” and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian. It is noteworthy that in 1936 the materials of this thesis, which are of scientific interest, were published in the proceedings of the AZVI.

    In the 1933-1940s, V.S. Anisimov worked as a veterinarian in various agricultural institutions of the West Kazakhstan region.

    On February 13, 1940, he joined the post of veterinarian of the West Kazakhstan NIVOS.

    In 1943-1944, V.S. Anisimov headed the scientific part of the West Kazakhstan NIVOS, and from February 1944 he took the position of director of the named station.

    On March 26, 1946, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the RES, V.S. Anisimov successfully defended his dissertation “Anthrax in the Zelenovsky district of the Kazakh SSR” for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.

    On April 28, 1954, by order of the Kazakh branch of VASKHNIL, V.S. Anisimov was appointed director of KazNIVI.

    By order of the Kazakh branch of VASHNIL, on April 4, 1957, V.S. Anisimov was relieved of his duties as director of KazNIVI and appointed head of the laboratory of diseases of pigs and sheep of the named institute.

    In the early 50s of the twentieth century, V.S. Anisimov worked on the topical topic of his doctoral dissertation “Anthrax in Kazakhstan”. On this topic, the applicant prepared a manuscript of the scientific work of the same name in 2 parts, with a total volume of 165 typewritten pages, which was subsequently transferred for official use to the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR. In 1972, the scientist’s scientific interest focused on animal infections caused by pathogenic anaerobes, on which he wrote the first version of his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Infectious enterotoxemia of sheep.” For an unknown reason, none of these materials of V.S. Anisimov’s doctoral dissertations was finally submitted for public defense.

    V.S. Anisimov is the author of more than 50 scientific papers.

    Under the leadership of V.S. Anisimov and with his direct participation in KazNIVI, methods for the manufacture of dry type-specific diagnostic serums, preventive serums and anatoxins against infectious enterotoxemia of sheep were developed, of which “Alum concentrated toxoid type D” was widely introduced in the USSR.

    The scientific school of V.S. Anisimov has carried out fundamental research on sheep diseases caused by pathogens of infectious anaerobic enterotoxemia, anthrax, listeriosis and necrobacteriosis.

    For his successful work in the field of veterinary science, V.S. Anisimov was awarded the medals “For Labor Valor” and “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

    ” Vyacheslav Stepanovich was buried at the Central Cemetery of the city of Alma-Ata.

    Published works:

    • Experience in combating necrobacillosis of sheep limbs // Proceedings of the Kazakh NIVI. – Alma-Ata, 1955. – Vol. VII. –pp. 54-56.
    • Duration of immunity after vaccination with anthrax vaccine according to the method of S.B. Gurak // The works of the Kazakh NIVI. – Alma-Ata, 1957. – Vol.VIII. –pp. 95-97. (together with M.A. Chubarova)
    • Problems of combating infectious enterotoxemia of sheep in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the Kazakh NIVI. – Alma-Ata, 1961. – T.H. –pp. 399-405.
    • The role of Cl.perfringens toxins in immunity in infectious enterotoxemia of sheep // Proceedings of the Kazakh NIVI. – Alma-Ata, 1971 – Vol. XIV. –pp. 310-314 (together with N.M. Chernousov).
    • Test results of dry diagnostic agglutinating listeria sera of the first and second serological groups and polyvalent // Proceedings of the Kazakh NIVI. – Alma-Ata, 1976. – Vol. XVI. –pp. 231-232 (together with L.P. Lemeshkina).

  • Kozhakin Sergey Kuzmich


    / born October 17 (30), 1904 – died March 9, 1967 / – founder of the history of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan, a prominent organizer of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (1939-1954), military veterinarian of the III rank (1946), member of the Scientific and Technical Council at Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR (1946), member of the Presidium of the Kazakh branch of VASHNIL (1946), Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (1950), senior researcher (1955).

    Kozhakin S.K. was born in the village of Aktash, Aktashevsky parish, Menzelinsky district, Ufa province, in the family of a saddler. At the age of 10, he participated with his father, a senior non-commissioned officer (senior saddler), in the First World War, until February 1917 [1].

    Upon his return from the First World War, S.K. Kozhakin worked on farms in the Samara and Chelyabinsk provinces, Akmola and East Kazakhstan regions, moving from one farm to another [3, L. 3].

    Kozhakin S.K. studied literacy independently and received a formal education [1, p. 1]. In April 1923, S.K. Kozhakin joined the newly organized Komsomol cell and then was elected to responsible positions in the Komsomol organization of the Balaksha parish of the Akmola region [3, L. 3].

    In 1925, S.K. Kozhakin joined the party’s candidates, and in 1926 became a member of the KP(b) of Kazakhstan [3, L. 4]. In the same year, 1925, S.K. Kozhakin was recalled to the volost organization for an elected position as chairman of the Volbatrachkom of the Balaksha volost of the Akmola region [3, L. 3].

    In January 1926, S.K. Kozhakin was appointed an instructor of the Volprofsecretariat, and subsequently elected chairman of the named organization [3, L. 4].

    In October 1926, he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army by the Kokchetav district military enlistment office and appointed a private to the 7th separate cavalry brigade of the 81st Cavalry Regiment located in Termez, Uzbek SSR. In the 81st Cavalry Regiment, S.K. Kozhakin was appointed a cadet of the regimental school, from which he graduated in the second half of 1927 with the rank of junior commander [3, L. 4].

    In August 1928, S.K. Kozhakin was demobilized from the ranks of the Red Army and in September of the same year entered the Peter and Paul Secondary School of the II stage, from which he graduated in May 1930 and worked for some time as head of the APO Presnogorkovsky district committee of the CPSU (b), and then head of the ORGO district party committee [3, L. 4].

    In February 1931, S.K. Kozhakin was mobilized among the so-called party thousand to study at the Kazakh State Veterinary Institute (Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute (AZVI), where he studied for 3 years (1931-1934). In July 1934, to continue his studies, he was transferred to the Leningrad Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated in May 1935 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian [1, p. 1].

    Immediately after receiving higher veterinary education, S.K. Kozhakin completed a three-month internship in bacteriology at the Leningrad Veterinary Institute [1, p. 1].

    In August 1935, by order of the Veterinary Department of the People’s Commissariat of Agriculture, S.K. Kozhakin, in accordance with the contract, was sent for employment to the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (KazNIVI), then called the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Experimental Station (KazNIVOS) [1, p.1].

    At KazNIVOS, S.K. Kozhakin was first accepted as a junior researcher at the scientific examination and diagnostic laboratory, then, a few months later, he was transferred to the head of the specified scientific division of the experimental station [1, p. 1].

    In 1937, some heads of the People’s Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR and the director of KazNIVI were subjected to political repression by the state, as a result of which their positions were vacant by November 1937, in this regard, S.K. Kozhakin, by order of the People’s Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR No. 2149 of November 5, 1937, was appointed simultaneously acting director of KazNIVOS and Veterinary Medical Center the plant, and since April 1938 – acting head of the Veterinary Department of the People’s Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR [4, 1, p. 1].

    By order of the People’s Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR No. 82 §§ 1 and 2 dated January 14, 1939, S.K. Kozhakin was confirmed as director of KazNIVI [5, L.7].

    On March 15, 1939, S.K. Kozhakin was also appointed acting director of the Alma-Ata Biocombinat, and from August 20 of the same year he was released from the specified position positions [1, P. 1].

    On November 14, 1939, by order of the People’s Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR, S.K. Kozhakin was dismissed from the post of acting director of the Veterinary and Medical Combine [1, P. 1].

    In 1954, S.K. Kozhakin was unexpectedly dismissed from the post of director of KazNIVI and appointed acting head of the helminthological laboratory of the named institution. Then S.K. Kozhakin, as a senior researcher, was repeatedly transferred to various scientific departments of KazNIVI: to the laboratory for the study of brucellosis (1955), to the laboratory for the study of pig diseases (1956), to the therapeutic and preventive laboratory (1957), to the laboratory for the study of bird diseases (1961). 3 On May 1965, he was released from work due to retirement [1, C. 1].

    Edited by S.K. Kozhakin, 5 volumes of KazNIVI’s works were published in 1939-1954. In addition, during his leadership of the Institute, over 450 scientific papers on veterinary problems of great scientific, practical and practical importance were completed. He is the author of more than 20 scientific papers, the most valuable of which are devoted to the history of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan. In 1952, S.K. Kozhakin. He attempted to publish his PhD thesis “The History of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan” in the form of a monograph, but the publication was carried out only after the author’s death, and the materials of the dissertation were not included in the book “Veterinary Medicine of Kazakhstan” published in 1970 in full. Nevertheless, after the publication of this book, developments on certain topical issues of veterinary medicine and historical and veterinary research in our republic were significantly stimulated [1, p. 1].

    S.K. Kozhakin was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Badge of Honor. Sergey Kuzmich is buried in the Central Cemetery of Alma-Ata [1, C. 1].


    1. Mammadov N.S. On the 100th anniversary of KazNIVI. Biographies of famous veterinary scientists who worked in the Kazakh NIVI // Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2002. – No. 8. – p.1.
    2. URL: – 2015. – Sergey Kuzmich Kozhakin.
    3. Personal archive file No. 263 of Sergey Kuzmich Kozhakin on 77 sheets. – KazNIVI Archive. – 12/15/1966
    4. Mammadov N.S. Mass political repressions of the Stalinist regime against scientists and veterinary specialists of Kazakhstan in the 3rd years of the twentieth century // Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2008. – No. 10. – pp. 48-54.
    5. A copy of S.K.Kozhakin’s work book dated January 13, 1939 – 11 l.
    6. Kozhakin S.K. 20 years of the Kazakh SSR and 15 years of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute / In: Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Volume IV. – Infectious and parasitic diseases of farm animals. – Alma-Ata: Publication of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute, 1940. – p. V-XXIX (379 p.).
    7. Archival personal file of dissertant Kozhakin S.K.: Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute. – Started on April 10, 1946 – Completed on June 30, 1949 – On 102 sheets: Archived by the AZVI under Act No. 14 of June 30, 1949.
    8. Kozhakin S.K. The history of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan: Diss. …Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: Alma-Atinsk. Zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1949. – 623 p.
    9. Kozhakin S.K. History of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan: Abstract. diss. … Candidate of Veterinary Sciences: Alma-Atinsk. Zoovet. in-here. – Alma-Ata, 1949. – 15 p.
    10. OVA KN MES RK. F. 13. Op. 1. D. 99. LL. 1-9.
    11. Mammadov N.S. The state of the study of the history of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan and the prospects of its teaching in universities of the republic // Veterinary medicine. – S. Abai, Almaty region, 2011. – No. 4. – pp. 52-65.
    12. Mammadov N.S. Materials for the biography of the Ural regional veterinary inspector A.P.Petrovsky (1855-1906) // Veterinary medicine. – S. Abai, Almaty region, 2015. – No. 3. – pp. 56-59.


  • Povetkin  Semyon Tikhonovich


    May 1, 1897 – May 9, 1972 / – organizer of veterinary science of Kakhakhstan, head of the veterinary sector of the Aktobe region (1932-1936), director of KazNIVI (1936-1937), senior veterinarian of the agricultural sector of the Alma-Ata City Council (1940-1941), senior state veterinary inspector of the NKZ of the USSR at the management of the Turksib railway. (1941-1953), head of the veterinary service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR at the management of the Turksib railway (1953-1958), head of the veterinary service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR at the Management of the Kazakh railway (1958-1963).

    S.T. Povetkin was born in the village of Zhuravka, Pavlovsky District, Voronezh province, into a peasant family.

    In May 1916, S.T. Povetkin was drafted into the Tsarist army, where he took part in the First World War on the Romanian front.

    In April 1919, he was mobilized into the White army in Troitsk, where he served in the artillery division as a blacksmith.

    From August 1919 to December 1922, he served in the Red Army, where he first studied literacy and received a formal education.

    At the beginning of 1924, S.T. Povetkin was sent to study at the Kostanay Lower Agricultural School, from which he graduated in 1925.

    From August 1, 1927 to August 1, 1928, S.T.Povetkin studied at the Alma-Ata Veterinary College, then was sent to study at the Moscow Veterinary Institute (MVI).

    During his studies at the MVI, his teachers were such well-known scientists as Klimov A.F., Soshestvensky N.A., Mozgov I.E., Yuskovets M.K., Vavilov S.I., Myshkin N.F., Evgrafov A.R., Shur I.V., Bol B.K., Scriabin K.I., Burdelev T.E., Belitzer A.V., Skomorokhov A.L.

    On December 5, 1931, S.T. Povetkin graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian.

    After graduating from the Institute, S.T. Povetkin was left as a graduate student at the Moscow Institute of Economics. However, after six months of postgraduate studies, he was transferred to the Alma-Ata region, first to the position of director of the meat farm, then – in July 1932, he was appointed head of the veterinary sector of the Aktobe regional land administration.

    On October 3, 1936, S.T. Povetkin was approved by the decision (by questioning) of the Bureau of the Kazkraikom of the CPSU (b) as the director of the Kazakh (Alma-Ata) Scientific Research Veterinary Experimental Station (KazNIVI) and the Treatment Plant.

    KazNIVI Research report for 1937 on the problems of brucellosis of animals, glanders of horses, nosematosis of bees, pyroplasmosis of horses, taileriosis of cattle, trypanosomiasis of camels, accidental horse disease, trypanosomiasis of cattle, trypanosomiasis of dogs, performed by 9 scientific departments of the Institute, under the general supervision of S.T. Povetkin, was highly appreciated at the technical meeting under the head of the Veterinary Department of Kaznarkomzeme.

    On November 13, 1937, S.T. Povetkin was arrested by the NKVD Directorate for Kazakhstan in Alma-Ata.

    On February 28, 1938, S.T. Povetkin was unreasonably sentenced for political reasons by the Supreme Soviet of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to imprisonment for 15 years, with loss of rights for 5 years and confiscation of property.

    On December 30, 1939, at the protest of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the verdict in the case of S.T.Povetkin was canceled and the proceedings were terminated, with his release from custody.

    Upon his return to Alma-Ata, on August 22, 1940, he was appointed senior veterinarian of the agricultural sector of the Alma-Ata City Council.

    On February 27, 1941, S.T. Povetkin was transferred to the position of senior state veterinary inspector of the NKZ of the USSR at the management of the Turksib railway.

    On June 9, 1953, he was promoted and transferred to the head of the veterinary service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR at the management of the Turksib railway.

    On November 22, 1958, S.T. Povetkin was promoted again and transferred to the head of the veterinary service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR under the Management of the Kazakh railway.

    On September 11, 1963, S.T. Povetkin was relieved of his post as head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR at the Management of the Kazakh railway in connection with retirement.

    In the brochure “For the quality of transportation of livestock and livestock goods on the Kazakh railway” for 1966, S.T. Povetkin was named one of the talented organizers of the veterinary service under the Management of the Kazakh railway.

    S.T. Povetkin was awarded the medals “For Valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” and “Labor Distinction”.

    Semyon Tikhonovich is buried in the Central Cemetery of Alma-Ata.

  • Ivanov Alexander Andreevich


    /November 22, 1898 – February 28, 1938/ – organizer of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, veterinary bacteriologist (1932), director of the Kazakh National Veterinary Institute (1932-1936), delegate of the 1st Scientific Congress of Medical Doctors of Kazakhstan (1936).

    A.A. Ivanov was born in St. Petersburg in the family of an employee, on April 1, 1917 he graduated from the first Petrograd Real School and entered the school of ensigns at the Pavlovsky Military College. In the same year, A.A. Ivanov was released from the ensign school with the rank of junior officer and sent from the city of Galich to the 94th Irkutsk Infantry Regiment.

    In June 1918, after leaving the regiment, he joined the SD(b) party and by order of the Petrogard party organ was sent to the front, to the Red Army. In the Red Army, A.A. Ivanov was initially appointed chief of staff, then transferred to other command positions in the Caucasus. His last place of military service was in the city of Petropavlovsk as commander of a special purpose unit of the district.

    After demobilization, from 1923 to 1930, A.A. Ivanov worked as an employee in various senior positions in civil institutions, mainly in Kazakhstan.

    In 1930, A.A. Ivanov entered the Kazakh State Veterinary (Alma-Ata Veterinary) Institute, from which he graduated in March 1932 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian.

    The leadership of the Kazakh State Veterinary and Cattle Breeding Institutes, taking into account the outstanding organizational abilities of A.A. Ivanov, in accordance with order No. 25 of March 12, 1932, awarded him a personalized watch with the inscription “For active work on the creation of the first livestock university in Kazakhstan.” His organizational talent was also noticed by the KazNIVI directorate: as a university student in 1930 – 1932, A.A. Ivanov simultaneously served as deputy director of the Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Institute.

    On March 21, 1932, by a resolution of the Secretariat of the Kazakh Regional Committee of the CPSU (b), A.A. Ivanov was approved as the director of the Regional Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. During his time as director of KazNIVI, he paid great attention to strengthening the institute with well-known personnel of veterinary scientists in the USSR, creating favorable social and living working conditions for them by the standards of that time.

    From March 15 to May 23, 1935, A.A. Ivanov completed an internship at the consultative and diagnostic Department of the Leningrad Institute of Veterinary and Preventive Medicine, having begun the scientific work “Comparative assessment of equine encephalomyelitis viruses”, which he was invited to continue at KazNIVI.

    In the middle of 1935, A.A. Ivanov also conducted parallel research on the 12th topic of KazNIVI Research, concerning the use of nifelometry for standardization of Gertner’s formolvaccine.

    In the absence of the head of the Veterinary Department of the People’s Commissariat of KazASSR, his position was assigned to the director of the Institute, A.A. Ivanov, with the right to dispose of management loans.

    Despite the economic difficulties in the republic, under the direct editorship of the director of the Institute A.A. Ivanov, in 1936 the first fundamental volume of the works of the Kazakh Regional Scientific Research Veterinary Institute was published with a circulation of 1000 copies.

    In October 1936, A.A. Ivanov was unexpectedly dismissed from his position and transferred as an employee to the Ural (West Kazakhstan) Scientific Research Veterinary Experimental Station. In September 1937, he was arrested by the NKVD.

    On February 28, 1938, A.A. Ivanov was unreasonably convicted by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR under Articles 58-7, 58-8 and 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sentenced to capital punishment, execution, allegedly for involvement in an anti-Soviet right-Trotskyist organization.

    On September 5, 1957, A.A. Ivanov was rehabilitated posthumously by the Supreme Court of the USSR.


  • Papov Ivan Vasilyevich


    /August 29, 1888-?/ – hereditary nobleman, graduate of the Voronezh Theological Seminary in 1911, graduate of the Kharkov Veterinary Institute in 1915, veterinarian, associate professor (1929), veterinary bacteriologist, epizootologist, director of KazNIVI (1929-1931), organizer of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, associate professor of the Department of Epizootology AZVI (1930-1931).

    I.V. Popov was born in Voronezh in the family of a hereditary nobleman. In 1905, he entered the Voronezh Theological Seminary, after which he was officially named Ivan 1 in 1911.

    In the same year, 1911, he entered the Kharkov Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated on March 30, 1915, and was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian (veterinarian).

    After graduation, he served as a veterinarian in the royal army.

    In 1918, after demobilization, I.V.Popov was appointed a resident of the infectious diseases clinic of the KHVI, while simultaneously working in the anti-plague commission at the Kharkov Gubzemotdel.

    Since 1919, he served as a veterinarian in the Tauride province in the ranks of the White Guard.

    After the Bolsheviks came to Crimea, he was in charge of the Anti–Plague Station in Dzhankoy district of Crimea for some time, from 1923 to 1927 – the Crimean Veterinary Laboratory.

    On May 8, 1928, he was appointed head of the Veterinary Laboratory of the People’s Commissariat of the Dagestan ASSR.

    On December 1, 1929, he resigned from the laboratory on his own and left for Alma-Ata.

    By this time, I.V.Popov was the author of 20 scientific articles, including those published in the journal published by the Kharkiv Veterinary Institute.

    On December 2, 1929, I.V.Popov was appointed director of the Kazakh Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Institute (KazNIVI).

    Since the beginning of 1930, he worked concurrently as an associate professor of the Department of Epizootology of the AZVI.

    I.V. Popov conducted research on a wide range of veterinary problems related to the mechanism of immunization of sheep pox, the spread of anthrax and tuberculosis of animals, pyroplasmosis of agricultural animals, spirochetosis of chickens, serological diagnosis of glanders of horses, filtered L-forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. For veterinary practice, he developed instructions for the collection, storage and transfer of pathological material for diagnostic studies.

    On May 8, 1931, he was dismissed from the post of director of KazNIVI and transferred to associate professor of the Department of Epizootology of the AZVI.

    I.V.Popov was arrested by the special department of the PP OGPU in Kazakhstan on May 15, 1931.

    He was unreasonably convicted for political reasons on the basis of the resolution of the Troika at the OGPU PP in Kazakhstan dated February 1, 1932 and was imprisoned in a concentration camp for a period of 3 years on probation, with release from custody.

    Nothing is known about the further fate of associate Professor I.V. Popov.

    Considering that there is no evidence of criminal activity in the criminal case, and the decision was made by a non-judicial body, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Kazakh SSR, by its conclusion of September 30, 1989, fully rehabilitated I.V. Popov.


  • Rafalovich Evgeny Mikhailovich


    /born on December 29, 1886 (January 10, 1887) – died on May 15, 1954 / – hereditary nobleman, military veterinarian, organizer of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, the first director of the Kazakh Research Institute (1925-1930), founder of veterinary science in Kazakhstan, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (1936), senior researcher in the specialty “Epizootology” (1936), Associate professor of the Department of Clinical Diagnostics (1939), Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (1948), Professor (1948), Honored Scientist of the Turkmen SSR (1950), corresponding member of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences (1954).

    E.M.Rafalovich received his primary education in the amount of five grades at a rural school.

    In 1902, E.M.Rafalovich entered the Moscow Agricultural School of the Moscow Society of Agriculture.

    In 1906, he was sent by an agricultural school to the Voronezh province for practical training and while conducting propaganda work among peasants to explain the reasons for the dissolution of the First State Duma, was arrested by a punitive detachment and imprisoned in a solitary cell of the Voronezh prison. After 5 months of imprisonment, on bail of 100 rubles, he was released pending trial and, returning to Moscow, continued his interrupted studies at an agricultural school.

    In September 1908, E.M.Rafalovich, after passing the entrance exam and paying for his studies, was accepted as a first-year student of the Yuriev Veterinary Institute (YUVI).

    In 1908, E.M.Rafalovich, after the trial in the Voronezh case, was sentenced by the Kharkov Judicial Chamber to 1 year of fortress (imprisonment), taking into account 5 months of punishment served in Voronezh, to 7 months of imprisonment in the Butyr fortress (prison castle) in a solitary cell of the Pugachev (Southern) tower.

    After serving his sentence in Moscow, E.M.Rafalovich continued his studies at the Southwestern University.

    On May 18 (31), 1913, E.M.Rafalovich graduated from the Southern Medical Institute and was awarded the degree of veterinarian (veterinarian), having received temporary certificate No. 411 dated May 24 (June 5), 1913 with a validity period of 6 months, until the original diploma of a special sample was issued to him.

    In the same year, 1913, E.M.Rafalovich entered the Tiraspol Zemstvo as head of the diagnostic office, and on September 21 he was enlisted in the reserve as an official of the Veterinary Department of the Army of the Military Ministry of the Russian Empire.

    In 1914, E.M.Rafalovich enlisted as a volunteer in the Chernigov Hussar regiment, located in the city of Orel.

    When the First World War began, E.M. Rafalovich and his regiment were transferred to the front as an ordinary doctor. During the fighting near the city of Lemberg (Lviv), he was captured. In captivity, at the personal request of the Austrian War Ministry, he was transferred from the prisoner of war camp to the hospital in the city of Wieselburg to the bacteriological laboratory at the hospital, where he worked until 1918.

    After returning from Austrian captivity in 1918, E.M.Rafalovich voluntarily joined the post of junior veterinarian in the Moscow Cavalry Regiment, in the same year he was transferred to the senior veterinarian of the regiment.

    From the end of 1918 to 1920, E.M.Rafalovich served as a military veterinarian of the Ural, Tsaritsinsky, Astrakhan and Caucasian fronts.

    On July 5, 1920, E.M.Rafalovich was appointed acting head of the veterinary unit of the expeditionary corps, then to the position of assistant head of the Veterinary Unit of the 11th Army.

    By order of the head of the Veterinary Unit of the Caucasian Front, E.M.Rafalovich was transferred to the Astrakhan Provincial Veterinary Department. On September 18, 1920, he was appointed head of the anti-plague station, and he worked in this position until May 10, 1923.

    In the first half of 1923, E.M.Rafalovich was appointed head of the Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Laboratory of Kaznarkomzem, located in the first capital of Kazakhstan, Orenburg, where he simultaneously worked as a teacher of veterinary and agricultural technical schools, until 1925.

    On April 7, 1925, the Kazakh Central Executive Committee (KAZTSIK), by its resolution (Protocol No. 39), transformed the Kazakh Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Laboratory into the Kazakh Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Institute, then on May 16, 1925, the Council of People’s Commissars of the KASSR approved (Part 1, Article 113) the Regulations on the Institute No. 23 (4926), appointing E.M.Rafalovich is its head.

    After the institute moved from Orenburg to Kyzyl-Orda, by the decree of the Presidium of the KAZTSIK dated December 9, 1925, E.M.Rafalovich was approved as director of the Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Institute at Kaznarkomzeme:

    In July 1929, E.M.Rafalovich prepared for publication a brochure “Trypanosomiasis of camels” in the Kazakh language based on Latin graphics.

    In the same years, E.M.Rafalovich began to be subjected to unjustified persecution by the Bolshevik authorities, forcing him to leave the post of director of the Kazakh Regional Veterinary and Bacteriological Institute in early 1930.

    In February 1930, the Kaznarkomzem transferred him to Petropavlovsk and appointed him head of the District Veterinary and Bacteriological Laboratory.

    In the same year, E.M.Rafalovich was supposed to go on a scientific trip to the GIEF (RES), but could not use this opportunity, since the People’s Commissariat of the RSFSR appointed him director of the Orel Biofactory, where, according to the agreement, he worked until December 25, 1931, after which he was enlisted as a responsible executive in the office of the Vetsnabprom trust People’s Commissariat of the RSFSR for bacillary production.

    In January 1933, E.M.Rafalovich was sent to Stavropol and appointed head of production of the Stavropol biofactory. Concurrently, he joined the Research Institute for the Study of Sheep Diseases.

    In November 1933, E.M.Rafalovich was transferred to the Foot-and-mouth Disease Institute (Ostashkov) as head of the vaccine and bacteriological laboratory, where he worked until March 30, 1935.

    On April 1, 1935, E.M.Rafalovich was appointed director of the Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Experimental Station of the People’s Commissariat of the Turkmen SSR (Ashgabat), where he worked until April 1938. He combined work at the station with teaching at the Turkmen Agricultural Institute, where he was invited on September 1, 1935 to the post of head of the Department of Zoo Hygiene and veterinary prevention.

    On December 2, 1936, at a meeting of the Qualification Commission, E.M.Rafaloivich was approved for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences without defending his dissertation.

    On April 26, 1938, E.M.Rafalovich was arrested by the NKVD of the Turkmen SSR on charges of espionage under Article 54-6 and undermining state industry, committed for counterrevolutionary purposes under Article 54-7 and imprisoned in Ashgabat prison, where he was held until May 20, 1939, then was released for lack of corpus delicti.

    In May 1939, E.M.Rafalovich was reinstated at the Turkmen Agricultural Institute. Since the place of work at the Department of Zoo Hygiene and Veterinary Prevention was occupied, he was offered a position at the Department of Clinical Diagnostics, then, until May 1954, he worked as the head of the Department of Private Pathology and Therapy of non-communicable diseases of domestic animals of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute [3, L.].

    E.M.Rafalovich was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45.”

    On February 24, 1948, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the All–Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, E.M.Rafalovich brilliantly defended his dissertation on “Experimental trypanosomiasis of donkeys and mules”, after which, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on October 23, 1948, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences and the academic title of professor.

    By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Turkmen SSR dated February 20, 1950, No. 535, E.M.Rafalovich was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Turkmen SSR”.

    E.M.Rafalovich is the author of more than 30 scientific publications. His main scientific research is devoted to the study of the problems of combating blood parasites in the south of the USSR.

    Evgeny Mikhailovich was buried in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).

    By the decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Turkmenistan No. 13/10-94 dated June 27, 1994, E.M.Rafalovich was fully rehabilitated.

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