Vasily Ivanovich KINDYAKOV (January 1, 1901 – February 4, 1985) was a prominent veterinary virologist of Kazakhstan, acting head of the Laboratory for the Study of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (at the Sverdlovsk SRVPS) NKZ of the USSR (1936), Head of the Alma-Ata Laboratory for the Study of Foot-and-mouth Disease (at the Kazakh National Research Institute) NKZ of the USSR (1936 – 1940), head of the laboratory for the study of foot–and-mouth disease of the Kazakh SRVI (1940 – 1974), Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (1946), senior researcher in the specialty “Epizootology” (1953), Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1958), Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (1972). He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and two medals of the USSR.

V.I. Kindyakov was born in the city of Astrakhan in a working-class family.

In 1914, he graduated from the 3-year Astrakhan parish School.

Until 1921, he worked in Astrakhan as a handyman.

At the beginning of 1922, he entered the Astrakhan Veterinary College, from which he graduated in 1927. In the same year, he entered the Astrakhan Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory as a preparator, where he worked until 1928.

In 1928, V.I. Kindyakov entered the veterinary faculty of the Saratov State Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated in 1931 and was awarded the qualification of a veterinary clinician.

Upon graduation, V.I. Kindyakov was left as a graduate student at the Department of Epizootology.

On November 1, 1931, V.I. Kindyakov graduated from graduate school and was enrolled as an assistant at the Department of Epizootology of the Saratov ZVI, where he worked until October 1, 1935.

On January 31, 1936, V.I. Kindyakov was appointed by the GUV of the NKZ of the USSR as the interim head of the laboratory for the study of foot-and-mouth disease (at the Sverdlovsk SRVPS) NKZ OF THE USSR.

In accordance with the order of the NKZ of the USSR dated December 12, 1936, the laboratory for the study of foot-and-mouth disease (at the Sverdlovsk SRVPS) The NKZ of the USSR with all staff and equipment was transferred from Sverdlovsk to Alma-Ata and transferred to the management of the Kazakh SRVI.

At the request of the NKZ of the Kazakh SSR, the Alma-Ata Laboratory for the study of foot-and-mouth disease of the NKZ of the USSR, most likely at the end of 1940, was transferred with all staff and equipment to the Kazakh SRVI as one of its scientific divisions.

On November 2, 1945, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute (Protocol No. 9), V.I. Kindyakov unanimously defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Plurality of types of foot-and-mouth disease virus in the territory of the Kazakh SSR”, then he was approved in the degree of candidate of veterinary Sciences and somewhat later in the academic rank of senior researcher.

From May 18 to 28, 1959, as part of the Soviet delegation, V.I. Kindyakov took part in the work of the XVI International Veterinary Congress (Madrid, Spain) with a report “On the variability of foot-and-mouth disease types”.

On March 12, 1971, at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute, V.I. Kindyakov brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation on “Materials on the study of foot-and-mouth disease in Kazakhstan” in the form of a summary report on the totality of published works and then was approved for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences.

Due to his retirement, on April 10, 1974, V.I. Kindyakov was transferred as a senior researcher and consultant at the KazSRVI FMD laboratory, where he worked until April 15, 1980.

V.I. Kindyakov is the author of more than 90 scientific papers.

Based on a comprehensive study of animal foot-and-mouth disease, V.I. Kindyakov established the patterns of the course of the epizootic of foot-and-mouth disease, closely related to the resistance of the foot-and-mouth disease virus in the external environment, as well as the types of foot-and-mouth disease virus that exhibit heterogeneous antigenic properties under various conditions, which opened up broad prospects for finding methods for obtaining types of virus with certain biological properties.

Under the guidance of V.I. Kindyakov and with his direct participation developed the KazSRVI anti-culture vaccine from aphthous foot-and-mouth disease virus and the KazSRVI anti-culture hydroxyaluminium concentrated tissue bivalent formolvaccine, which were successfully applied to several million heads of various types of farm animals, both in Kazakhstan and abroad, providing significant assistance to livestock farms in stopping foot-and-mouth disease foci, prevention and elimination viral diseases of animals, preservation of livestock products and improvement of the economic condition of farms.

The results of the fundamental research of the V.I. Kindyakov scientific school on the problem of foot-and-mouth disease of animals were included in the textbooks of the Union significance “Veterinary Microbiology” and “Epizootology”.

Vasily Ivanovich is buried in the central cemetery of the city of Alma-Ata.

Published works:

Study of duration of foot-and-mouth disease virus survival in manure heaps of livestock farms of East Kazakhstan region // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1939. – VOL. II. – P. 142-155;

Duration of FMD virus stability on pasture // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1954. – Т.VI. – P. 183-184;

Some materials on the study of the nature of FMD virus // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1957. – VOL. IX. – P. 23-32;

Causes of FMD spreading and ways of its elimination in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1961. – Т.Х. – P. 30-37;

Experience in the manufacture of anti-foot-and-mouth disease concentrated (12%) tissue bivalent vaccine KazNIVI and study of its active properties in laboratory conditions // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1963. – Т.ХI. – P. 86-97 (together with L.N. Rublev);

On immunity in the use of inactivated antituberculous vaccines // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1971. – VOL. XIV. – P. 125-128 (together with S.M. Filippovich);

39 years of work of the laboratory for the study of foot-and-mouth disease in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. – Alma-Ata, 1976. – VOL. XVI. – P. 31-36.

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