PETROVSKY Anatoly Petrovich / born February 5 (17), 1855 – died March 7 (20), 1906 / – Ural regional veterinary inspector, head of the Ural Central Bacteriological Laboratory, state councilor, founder of veterinary and biomedical laboratory business in Kazakhstan [1].

A.P. Petrovsky was born in the village of Bolshoy Gremyachy Kolodez Shchigrovsky district of Kursk province in the family of the priest Peter Iosifovich Petrovsky [2].

On June 5 (17), 1875, A.P. Petrovsky graduated from the 1st secondary department of the Kursk Theological Seminary and received a certificate that gave him the opportunity to study at an institute or university [2, l.1-3 vol.].

On September 4 (September 16), 1875, A.P. Petrovsky entered the Kharkov Veterinary Institute who graduated with honors (cum eximia laude) on May 31 (June 11), 1880 and was awarded the degree of a veterinarian, with the right to practice veterinary medicine throughout the Russian Empire in the civil rank of the X class (collegiate secretary) [2, L. 1, 10,12,12 vol.].

On August 21 (September 1), 1880, by order of the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire (MIA RI), A.P. Petrovsky was appointed Rodinsky district veterinarian of the Sedlec province (province of the Kingdom of Poland and the Russian Empire) [1, l. 17 vol.-18].

By Decree of the Governing Senate No. 39, published in No. 35 of the St. Petersburg Senate Gazette, A.P. Petrovsky was approved on August 21 (September 1), 1880, with the rank of collegiate secretary with seniority [1, l. 17 vol.-18].

By Decree of the Governing Senate No. 73, published in No. 43 of the St. Petersburg Senate Gazette on August 21 (September 1), 1882, A.P. Petrovsky was promoted to titular councillors with seniority for years of service [1, l. 18 vol.-19].

By Decree of the Governing Senate No. 36, published in No. 28 of the St. Petersburg Senate Gazette on August 21 (September 1), 1885, A.P. Petrovsky was promoted to collegiate assessors with seniority for years of service [1, l. 18 vol.-19].

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of September 16 (28), 1889, No. 9622, A.P. Petrovsky was sent to the Ural region to fight the plague of cattle, where he was from October 9 (21), 1889 to November 6 (18), 1891 [1, l. 18 vol.-19].

On June 6 (18), 1892, A.P. Petrovsky was appointed Stavropol provincial veterinarian [1, l. 18 vol.-19].

On September 11 (23), 1892, by order of the Stavropol governor, A.P. Petrovsky was entrusted with the management of the veterinary part of the medical department [1, l. 18 vol.-19, 19 vol.-20].

On November 6 (18), 1892, by order of the Chairman of the Veterinary Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to strengthen the veterinary business in the Kazakh Territory, A.P. Petrovsky was transferred to the head of the veterinary department of the Ural region [1, l. 19 vol.-20].

In accordance with the Decree of the Governing Senate for the Department of Heraldry dated October 21 (November 1), 1893, No. 115, A.P. Petrovsky was promoted to court councillors with seniority from June 6 (18), 1892 [1, l. 19 vol.-20].

Starting from January 4 (16), 1894, A.P. Petrovsky for the first time organized mass diagnostic tests of cattle for tuberculosis in the Ural region. Tuberculinization was performed by veterinarians of the Ural military farm. With repeated injections of tuberculin, they encountered for the first time in the world the phenomenon of desensitization in animals to an allergen, the mechanism of which was not yet studied at that time. The data obtained on the lifetime allergic diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in the Ural military farm were summarized in the form of a manuscript by A.P. Petrovsky and published in The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of St. Petersburg in 1895 [3].

The task of veterinarians of the sites in the Russian Empire was to combat widespread infectious animal diseases, provide medical care, carry out preventive vaccinations, and mass diagnostic tests for glanders and tuberculosis. In this regard, at the end of the XIX century, the issue of establishing veterinary and bacteriological laboratories in regional and provincial centers began to be acutely raised. In 1895, A.P. Petrovsky attempted to create so-called field laboratories at veterinary sites in 5 settlements of the Ural region [4, 5].

From March 17 (29) to May 21 (June 1), 1896, on the instructions of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Comrade Minister and according to the recommendation of the Chairman of the Veterinary Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 11, 1896, A.P. Petrovsky was sent to Kharkov for detailed familiarization with the existing rules of veterinary and sanitary supervision of cattle in the city, imported and imported from other provinces [1, l. 19 vol.-21].

During the vacation and business trip in Kharkov, A.P. Petrovsky studied practical methods of bacteriological research and their application in veterinary and sanitary practice, as well as the practice of preventive vaccinations against anthrax of farm animals using the L. Pasteur method at the Kharkov Veterinary Institute. Upon completion of the internship, A.P. Petrovsky was issued the appropriate certificate of the Kharkiv Veterinary Institute No. 609 dated May 1 (13), 1896 [1, l. 20 vol.-22].

June 13 (25), 1896 The Veterinary Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with its entry in the journal approved for the Minister of Internal Affairs, a comrade of the Minister, entrusted the head of the Ural Central Bacteriological Laboratory to A.P. Petrovsky [1, l. 21 vol.-22].

By the decision of the Ural Regional Board dated August 2 (14), 1896, No. 17, approved by the military governor of the Ural region, A.P. Petrovsky was sent to the cities of Saratov, Kozlov, Moscow and St. Petersburg to familiarize himself with the device and organization of veterinary and bacteriological laboratories and slaughterhouses, as well as to purchase everything necessary for the Central Bacteriological Laboratory of the Ural regions [1, l. 21 vol.-22].

In accordance with the telegram of the Governor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, Baron A.A. Ikskul, dated September 30 (October 11), 1897, No. 488, A.P. Petrovsky was sent to the Saratov province to participate in the work of the veterinary commission on the study of the effectiveness of anthrax vaccines, where he was from October 1 (13) to November 6 (18) 1897 [1, l. 22 vol.-23].

By the highest order of the civil department dated January 17 (29), 1897, No. 5, A.P. Petrovsky was promoted to collegiate councillors with seniority for years of service [1, l. 22 vol.-23].

At the beginning of 1897, for the Ural Central Bacteriological Laboratory established on June 13 (25), A.P. Petrovsky bought a two-story stone mansion with outbuildings from merchant P.A. Makarychev for 7,000 rubles for regional zemstvo funds (previously the house belonged to the police chief of Uralsk V.V. Saratovtsev and was located on the corner of Samara and Boulevard Square). In addition, A.P. Petrovsky opened four steppe departments of the Ural Central Bacteriological Laboratory with regional zemstvo funds in 1897. It is noteworthy that not only veterinary, but also biomedical studies were conducted in the Ural Central Bacteriological Laboratory [7,8,9,5, pp. 255-264]. A library fund of veterinary literature was created in the laboratory, starting with the 1870 edition.

By the highest order of the civil department dated June 19 (July 1), 1897, No. 52, A.P. Petrovsky was appointed Ural regional veterinarian [1, l. 22 vol.-23].

At the end of the 19th century, a group of veterinarians from the Ural region decided to create the first voluntary professional society. However, their proposal unexpectedly met with resistance from A.P. Petrovsky, who declared “that this case would not happen.” Despite the obstruction of A.P. Petrovsky, the draft charter of the Ural Society of Veterinarians, prepared by the organizers, was approved on April 8 (20), 1898 on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, Comrade of the Minister, Senator, Baron A.A. Approved and certified on behalf of the acting Chairman of the Veterinary Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, Professor, Privy Councilor N.V. Rozhnov. On June 2 (14), 1898, during the first day of the meeting of the general meeting of veterinarians of the Ural region, after the chairman and a comrade of the chairman were elected, A.P. Petrovsky unexpectedly left the general meeting, thus, the elections of the secretary and treasurer-librarian were held without his participation. Such an act by A.P. Petrovsky could definitely be regarded, probably, as a sign of dissatisfaction that he, the head of the veterinary service of the region, was not elected chairman of the Ural Society of Veterinarians. This is evidenced by the speech read by the chairman of the Ural Society of Veterinarians on July 1 (13), 1898 at the general meeting of the society’s members and then published in the form of an information leaflet [6].

By order of the deputy. From May 12 (24) to June 8 (20), 1899, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ri, Comrade of the Minister, Baron A.A. Ikskul, A.P. Petrovsky was sent to St. Petersburg to participate in a meeting at the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ri to develop an order and rules for the movement of livestock corresponding to the veterinary and sanitary condition of the Russian Empire and raw animal products within the country during export and import, and the conditions of veterinary supervision of the specified movement, as well as the general grounds for measures to combat foot-and-mouth disease [1, l. 23ob.-24].

By the highest order dated January 2 (15), 1901 for No. 2 under the department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire (MU RI), A.P. Petrovsky was appointed honorary justice of the peace of the district of the Ural District Court with simultaneous performance of duties of the Ural regional veterinarian [1, l. 24ob.-25].

By the highest order of the civil department dated February 6 (18), 1901 for No. 6, A.P. Petrovsky was promoted to state councilors with seniority for years of service [1, l. 23ob.-25].

By the highest order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, A.P. Petrovsky was appointed honorary justice of the peace of the district of the Ural District Court for the current 1902. from May 14, for a three-year term, with simultaneous performance of duties of the Ural regional Veterinary inspector [1, l. 25ob.-26 vol.].

From September 13 (26) to September 18 (31) October 1901 and from July 24 (August 6) to August 24 (September 6), 1902, A.P. Petrovsky served as an adviser to the 1st department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs [1, l. 24 vol.-25].

From May 15 (28) to July 21 (August 3), 1902 and from July 24 (September 6), 1902, A.P. Petrovsky served as an adviser to the II Department of the Ministry of Justice [1, l. 24 vol.-25].

According to the Supreme Decree of July 12 (25), 1902 and the order of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan of July 19 (August 1), 1902, A.P. Petrovsky was transferred by the Ural Regional veterinary inspector [1, L. 25 vol. – 26 vol.].

In April 1901, the Advisory Veterinary Committee of the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ri was transformed into an independent Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ri, while the Veterinary Department consisted of the Department itself and the Veterinary Committee, performing its duties exclusively for advisory purposes. On the occasion of the complete independence of the Veterinary Department from the Medical Department, A.P. Petrovsky in 1902 I sent a congratulatory address to the head of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan in the form of an artistic photo, which depicted almost all veterinarians of the Ural region, headed by the veterinary inspector of the region. Good wishes were also written on the photo card to the head of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Ri.

By order of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, A.P. Petrovsky, from January 24 (February 5), 1903, was on a scientific trip to the first All-Russian Congress of Veterinarians [1, l. 24 vol.-26 vol.].

Due to the deterioration of his health, A.P. Petrovsky went to St. Petersburg for an examination. On August 14 (27), 1903, he was recognized by St. Petersburg doctors as a patient with a mental disorder and placed in a hospital in Uralsk [1, l.1-1ob.].

In accordance with the highest order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 27 (September 9), 1904 No. 65, the Ural Regional veterinary inspector, state Councilor A.P. Petrovsky was dismissed from “service, due to illness, … from August 14 (27), 1904 [10].

A.P. Petrovsky is a knight of the Orders of the Holy Anna of the 2nd and 3rd degree and St. Stanislaus of the 3rd degree. He was awarded a silver medal on the Alexander Ribbon in memory of the reign of Emperor Alexander III and a dark bronze medal on a ribbon of State flowers for his work on the first general population census of 1897 [1, l. 17 vol. – 18].

A.P. Petrovsky published more than 20 scientific articles and 1 monograph from 1883 to 1903 [11, 3, pp. 64-65, 12].

Anatoly Petrovich died on March 7 (20) and was buried on March 9 (22), 1906 at the city All–Holy Cemetery at the Archangel Michael Church in Kharkov [1, l. 37-38, 13].

The Central Bacteriological Laboratory, organized in Uralsk by A.P. Petrovsky, continues to operate at the present time, being one of the scientific institutions of Kazakhstan with a long continuous history and called the West Kazakhstan Scientific Research Veterinary Station – a branch of KazNIVI LLP [14].


  1. RGIA. F. 1302. Op. 6. Ed. hr. № 320. L. 1-40.
  2. Har’kovskij OGA. F. 928. Op. 1. Ed. hr. № 3197. L. 1-13 ob.
  3. Mamedov N.SH. Tuberkulinizaciya krupnogo rogatogo skota v Kazahstane v konce XIX veka // Veterinariya. – s. Abaj Almatinskoj oblasti, 2010. – № 1. – S. 64-65.
  4. K organizacii veterinarnoj chasti v Ural’skoj oblasti // Vestnik obshchestvennoj veterinarii. – 1898. – № 9. – s. 341-342.
  5. Petrovskij A.P. Organizaciya, nauchno-prakticheskaya cel’ i deyatel’nost’ veterinarnyh bakteriologicheskih laboratorij v Ural’skoj oblasti / Trudy I-go Vserossijskogo s”ezda veterinarnyh vrachej. – Tom II, Sankt-Peterburg, 1903. – s. 255-264.
  6. Mamedov N.SH. Iz istorii Ural’skogo obshchestva veterinarnyh vrachej // Veterinariya. – s. Abaj Almatinskoj oblasti, 2008. – № 4. – S. 77-80.
  7. Obzor Ural’skoj oblasti za 1897 g. / Prilozhenie ko vsepoddannejshemu otchetu Voennogo Gubernatora. – Ural’sk: Tipo-litografiya gazety «Uralec», 1898. – S. 25.
  8. Pamyatnaya Kniga i Adres-Kalendar’ Ural’skoj oblasti na 1898 god / Izdanie Ural’skogo Oblastnogo Statisticheskogo Komiteta. – Saratov: Parovaya skoropechatnya. gubern. pravl., 1898. – S. 139.
  9. Kratkij otchet o sostoyanii veterinarnoj chasti v Ural’skoj oblasti za 1901 god / Sostavil Ural’skij Oblastnoj Veterinar A.P. Petrovskij. – Ural’sk: Tipo-litografiya gazety «Uralec», 1902. –S. 1-2.
  10. Mamedov N.SH. Sostoyanie izuchennosti istorii veterinarii v Kazahstane i perspektivy eyo prepodavaniya v vuzah respubliki // Veterinariya. – s. Abaj Almatinskoj oblasti, 2011. – № 4. – S. 52-65.
  11. Kozhakin S.K. Istoriya veterinarii v Kazahstane: Dis. kand. vet. nauk: Alma-Atinsk. zoovet. in-tut. – Alma-Ata, 1949. – S. 59 – 61 spiska literatury.
  12. URL: 13. URL:
  13. Mamedov N.SH. Istoricheskaya literatura o vozniknovenii pervyh nauchno-issledovatel’skih uchrezhdenij v Kazahstane: vymysel i dejstvitel’nost’ // Veterinariya. – s. Abaj Almatinskoj oblasti, 2010. – № 6. – S. 68-72.

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