Arkady Andreevich TSELISHCHEV (February 4, 1899 – November 17, 1950) was a prominent veterinary protozoologist of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (1941), senior researcher in the specialty “Parasitology and invasive diseases” (1941), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1947), professor in the specialty “Parasitology” (1947), Honored scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1947), head of the protozoological laboratory of the Kazakh National Veterinary Institute (1935-1941; 1946-1950), veterinarian of the cavalry regiment (1941-1943), scientific secretary of the veterinary section of the Kazakh branch of the VASHNIL (1943-1944), head of the Laboratory of Protozoology of the Institute of Zoology (1944-1950), Deputy director of the Institute of Zoology of the Kazakh Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1945-1946), director of the Institute of Zoology of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences (1946-1950), one of the organizers of the Kazakh sections of the Commission on Parasitological Problems under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

A.A. Tselishchev was born in the city of Shadrinsk, Perm province, in the family of a peasant, a native of the village of Krutikhi.

After receiving secondary education in 1917, he spent some time engaged in teaching and accounting work.

In 1920, A.A.Tselishchev voluntarily joined the Red Army, and in 1924 was sent to study at the Siberian (Omsk) Veterinary Institute. At the beginning of 1928, at the request of the head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army, he was enrolled as a military fellow of the institute and released from military service.

In December 1928, A.A.Tselishchev graduated from the institute, he was awarded the qualification of a veterinarian and he was again recruited into the Red Army.

In 1929, A.A.Tselishchev was sent for military service to the city of Akhaltsikhe (Georgia) as a veterinarian of the regiment.

In 1930 , A.A.Tselishchev .He retired and was invited by the Veterinary Department of Kaznarkomzem to the position of senior veterinarian for epizootology, and in 1932 he was transferred to the position of senior veterinarian for the scientific and laboratory part of the said department. During the same years, he attended advanced training courses at the Leningrad Institute of Advanced Veterinary Medicine, which he graduated in 1932.

During his work in the Veterinary Department of Kaznarkomzem, A.A. Tselishchev made a lot of efforts to build the Alma-Ata biocombinat and establish the production of biological veterinary drugs in the republic. He paid great attention to strengthening the veterinary research network: the Kazakh Research Institute,

Semipalatinsk and Ural NIVOS, as well as equipping regional and district veterinary and bacteriological laboratories with the necessary material and technical means.

At the same time, A.A.Tselishchev is working to highlight the activities of the Kazakh Research Institute and the pre-revolutionary history of veterinary medicine in Kazakhstan, which he transmits to the Kaznarkomzem in the manuscript for official use.

In 1935, A.A.Tselishchev was transferred to the Kazakh NIVI to organize and manage the new scientific departments of the institute – the protozoological laboratory.

On February 27, 1941, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, A.A.Tselishchev successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences on the topic: “Epizootology of bovine teileriosis and the basics of practical measures for this disease in Kazakhstan.”

From June 1, 1941 to January 1, 1943, he served as a veterinarian of cavalry regiment No. 147, then he was demobilized from the Army.

On November 10, 1945, at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Biological Faculty of the Leningrad State Order of Lenin University, A.A.Tselishchev brilliantly defended his dissertation on the topic “The organism of the final and intermediate host, as the habitat of the taileria” for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences.

A.A.Tselishchev studied the pyroplasmosis situation in Kazakhstan, identified the species composition of hemosporidia, typified the strains of tayleria obtained from the southern regions of Kazakhstan, gave epizootic characteristics of hemosporidiosis foci, which made it possible to effectively carry out planned practical measures to combat hemoparasitosis of animals. In addition, he developed effective measures to combat sheep scabies in Kazakhstan.

The results of A.A.Tselishchev’s scientific work have been introduced into wide veterinary practice and included in the state instructions for combating parasitic diseases in the USSR.

A.A.Tselishchev is the author of more than 40 publications on the issues of protozoal diseases of farm animals in Kazakhstan. Among his scientific works, the monograph “Bovine taileriosis and the fight against it” and the fundamental work “Taileriosis and taileriosis of cattle” are of particular interest. Arkady Andreevich is buried in the central cemetery of the city of Alma-Ata.

Published works:

K izucheniyu vidovogo sostava vozbuditelej piroplazmozov v Kazahstane//Trudy KazNIVI.-T.Z .-Alma-Ata.-1940.-S.8-10.

Opyt izucheniya piroplazmoznoj situacii Dzhambul’skogo rajona Kazahskoj SSR//Trudy KazNIVI.-T.Z.-Alma-Ata, 1940.-S.10-17.;

Piroplazmozy i kachestvennoe uluchshenie zhivotnovodstva v

Kazahstane//Trudy KazNIVI.-T.Z.-Alma-Ata, 1940.-S.17-20.;

Dezinsektalin kak sredstvo ‘bor’by s kleshchami – perenoschikami piroplazmozov sel’skohozyajstvennyh zhivotnyh v zimnih usloviyah//Trudy KazNIVI.-T.Z.-Alma-Ata, 1940.-S.ZZ-43.;

Diagnostika tejleriozov krupnogo rogatogo skota metodom obogashcheniya// Trudy KazNIVI.-T.Z .-Alma-Ata.-1940.-S.59-64.;

Profilakticheskie i lechebnye svojstva piroplazmina pri tejlerioze krupnogo rogatogo skota//Trudy KazNIVI.-Alma-Ata, 1940.-T.4.-S.193-201.;

O primenenii nekotoryh himicheskih sredstv dlya bor’by s iksodovymi kleshchami//Trudy KazNIVI.-T.5.-Alma-Ata, 1950.-S.244-248.;

Itogi nauchno-issledovatel’skoj raboty po lecheniyu chesotki ovec v Kazahstane//Trudy KazNIVI.-T.Z.-Alma-Ata, 1950.-S.249-252.

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