Proficiency testing provider
Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute LLP plans and organizes work on the implementation of proficiency testing scheme (PTS) through interlaboratory comparison (ILC) in order to assess the quality of tests in accordance with GOST ISO/IEC 17043-2013 “Conformity assessment. General requirements for proficiency testing”.
According to GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, the laboratory must monitor its activities by participating in proficiency testing.
The task of the PTS is to determine the ability of individual laboratories to conduct specific tests or measurements.
Proficiency testing is an assessment of the participant’s performance characteristics according to pre–established criteria by means of the ILC (GOST ISO/IEC 17043-2013).
The results of the interlaboratory comparisons of the PTS can be applied to the following tasks:
- control of comparability of test methods used in testing laboratories and constant monitoring of them;
- determination of comparability of test results obtained in different testing laboratories;
- ensuring additional customer confidence in the quality of test results obtained by testing laboratories;
- confirmation of qualifications of persons directly involved in conducting tests.