KazSRVI Scientific and production potential of the Institute Directions of scientific and production activity International cooperation Administration Personal blog of the Director General Contacts The history of KazSRVI Directors of the Institute and the years of their leadership Famous scientists who worked at KazSRVI Library Services Proficiency testing Testing Center Products Educational сenter News Structure Video Gallery Hamburger Toggle Menu English Казахский Русский Video Gallery Research of mares' milk for salmonellosis Research of mares' milk for salmonellosis Рolymerase chain reaction test kit Film about KazSRVI Milk ring test for brucellosis with milk of goats and camels A unified antigen for the diagnosis of brucellosis in animals Seminar Karaganda Введите текст заголовка Almaty, Raiymbek Avenue, 223 +7 (727) 2337271 kaznivialmaty@mail.ru